
My horse learning bad habits. HELP!!?

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ok so i have a thoroughbred. i recently moved him to a friends property where there is an old arab mare. the arab mare has really bad habits while being riden such as stopping and refusing to move, lazyness, and lots of other anoying things. and before i moved my horse there he was perfect he would move faward with a tiny tap on his sides. and would ride to voice command. the first time i rode my horse there he was fine. but then the second time i rode with the mare and my friends was letting the arab get away with everything like stopping and everything else. so now my thoroughbred wants to stand around next to the arab and not do as i tell him.

before i moved him he was a really good dressage horse and was doing everythign i wanted.

is there any way i could get him out of these habits and back to his good self. and how could i get my h0orse to not be so attached to the arab?

i have owned him for a couple of months but i have een riding him for years for his old owner.




  1. Don't change anything because otherwise your letting your horse take charge you don't want to be constantly riding on your own. If anything I would ride more often with your friend and the arab. Be more firm with your horse and use your whip to re inforce your aids. Picture it this way if you were at a riding school would you stop riding all together if every lesson you were in someone  let there horse take the mick? It seems your horse is trying to copy but your not been firm or strong enough with your aids to get the response you want. Work in the arena with your friend and her arab and do plenty of school movements away from your friend and plenty of transitions around your friend so your getting your horse responding on their own but also keeping his attention when near the other. I would possibly tell your friend nicely that she needs to be more firm with her horse as letting her horse take the mick could be dangerous if she were to go out on road. what would she do if her horse refused to budge on a busy road or even set off at full speed?? maybe even ask if you could have a little go on her horse and ride it firmly to show her how to get it going nicely and maybe suggest she lunges it to get it more responsive and obedient. hope this helps

  2. No, don't move away. Just when you ride don't stick with the Arab, if she stops then you just keep going and leave her behind.

    Just because you are riding with someone doesn't mean that you have to do everything that they do.

    You could be doing leg yields and half passes or whatever while she is just walking.

    Keep his mind occupied.

  3. Don't ride with the arab.  They do not pick up bad habits by watching the other horse.  They pick up bad habits by doing.  The stop when the arab stops and get rewarded with her company so yes they will stop.  Go back to training, teach him not to stop and get very insistent if he tries to  stop when you do not want him to.  Then and only then do you go back to riding with the arab.

  4. It sounds like he is just getting attached and co-dependent on the Arab. This could especially be true if she is the only other horse there. You need to practice separating them so that he can understand that he still needs to work and he still needs to be obeidient even though he'd rather just hang out with his buddy. Working them separatly would probably be the best idea. Can you take him off property from time to time? Is there enough room on the property for you to work him out of sight of the other horse?

    You said that the first time you rode, by yourself, and he was fine. So, I really think this is just a case of a horse starting to become herd bound. This early in the game, correcting that problem should not be all that difficult.

  5. maybe a different paddock

    and talk to your friend

    also try not riding with the arob for a few weeks.

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