
My horse likes backing up into things when tied up? Any ideas why?

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I just got a new horse - a 3 year-old cob mare who I've had about a week now. She's very sweet and nicely behaved. One quirk though - when she's tied up she likes backing up into things and the wall. Our horses are tied up to the poles supporting the roof, about a horse and half away from the wall. When tied she backs up and kinda picks up her hind feet and tries to go further back (but can't cause of the wall). We did have a load of buckets and things there which she was just getting her feet tangled in. I have moved these and there isn't anything there now but the wall, but she keeps backing up into it. She doesn't try to rub her tail or bum at all which was my first thought but that doesn't seem to be a motivation.

It's not a major problem but I've not come across it before and was wondering if anyone else had and if you have why the horse does it?

She has been lightly backed but to me is a very immature 3 so I'm doing lots of ground work and won't be riding her for another 6 months or so to let her grow up some more.




  1. well, maybe she just doesnt like being surrounded by walls, my horse kind of does the same thing, when i tie him up to saddle him, he is always moving from side to side. or maybe she just is bored, wants to go, or trying to see how far the lead rope goes. my horse also backs up too until his neck is all stretched out, i dont know why he does that either, i might just be horse behavior

  2. dosnt like being tied down....sounds like what my cat did ,when i treid to take it on a walk.....hey!i was young and didnt know!

  3. it could be she's feeling insecure. She's young and in a new place, it would be understandable. I have seen a few youngsters and ponies do the same, kind of like they're trying to stop anything sneaking up on them by surprise.  

  4. Horses are claustrophobic animals, so this may be the problem. Make sure you tie her up with a bit of rope, and on twine.  Also visit and check out the tying up part...I'll try and find the link =]

  5. could she be in season? I've seen mares do similar when they are in season sort of as a relief or pleasure.... Wierd, but mares can be very odd....

  6. I have the same thing here with one of our mares, she's 8, grew up here at this place and a sweet heart. She doesn't pull back when she's tied and during grooming  she doesn't do it either, only when she's left alone for a moment she immediately turns her butt against a pole, and then she's just standing there and watches what's going on around her without any signs of anxiety or rubbing. I think she just feels safe and comfortable  that way and I actually don't bother, like I said, she doesn't do it when she's being groomed or tacked or has her hooves picked.

  7. It's anxiety. Same as with humans - if you're scared you back up against a wall because you can see in front and to the side but not directly behind you.

  8. its natural instinct for a horse to pull against pressure. If your horse fells even the smallest amont of pressure it will fight it.  To overcome this you must desensitize the horse.  

    What you can do is first start with the horse on lead line.  First you make the horse whoa then pull quickley and release.  You should do this quickley so she may not even notice you did it.  Then graddully build up the time you apply pressure with the lead rope and reward the hrose after each time so it learns its ok its not goign to kill you.

    Sicne horses are flight animals it is the Wild instinct to panic when pressure is applyed becasue a mountain lion could get them!

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