
My horse won't take corners at the canter wll what should i do?

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My horse won't take corners at the canter wll what should i do?




  1. can you take a corner at a run?- i didnt think so, so what makes u think your horse can?

  2. slowly walk him around it the once he realizes that hes supposed to take the corner the try a trot if he doesn't do it at the trot start back with the walk maybe even jump off and lead him all just takes time

  3. He won't or he can't? Are they tight corners? Are you falling in? Are you helping him maintain his balance? Can he canter in a circle? If he won't canter in the corners, make sure you are putting your weight to the outside through your turns. Drive him forward with a kick, squeeze, or tap with the crop. Don't let him win. Use your inside leg to keep him from cutting the corners and look where you want him to canter to. After you get him to canter one corner give him a break and reward him. Then try it again. He may need to work up more muscle so he can become more balanced. If he is just being lazy this should work. From the way you say it I am assuming he is just being lazy. Do you have a instructor? If you don't I would suggest you get one because it's easier to help when you can actually see the horse. Good luck!

  4. teach him at walk . keep him between outer rein and inner leg. then graduate to trot only when u r fully confident on walk ..

    most important--- never ever ignore  if  he cuts corners,, weather  u r fun riding or what ever  . this is where he must have realized that cutting corner is an option ..

  5. The only thing I can tell you is to make sure that your horse moves off of your legs really well. When you get to where your horse does move off your legs, you can just push him towards the corner when you go around.

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