
My horse wont lunge on the right rein....?

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I own a 6 year old TBX (mostly TB) gelding that just will not be lunged on the right rein. He isn't too bad lunging on the left rein but when i try on the right rein he faces me, spins around and sometimes rears. I have tried attatching a second lunge line to the far side of his bit, through the far stirup and around his bottom. This stops him from facing me and spinning but at the moment i can't use this method as he has a sore back and i can't put a saddle on his back until i get a new one next week. He has done this even before his back became sore so it can't be that. I don't know how to get him to lunge on that rein properely. Has anybody any advice/ideas please?? He raced twice in 2004 and i bought him about 18months ago.





  1. Well racers are only ridden in one direction and since he raced, it could be just habit. but there could be other causes, blindness, lameness, and other issues, so i'd have a vet look him over first and if he's oked, then ask them any advice.

  2. the curcingle takes the place of your stirrup which will keep the second longe in the correct position.

    The culprit might just be the racing, I rode a OTTB a few years ago and she was almost impossible on the right. But it just means you have a lot of work ahead of you--and all on the right rein. Baby steps are best, whether youre riding or longing, its hard for him because he has just developed his muscles that way.

    Double longing with a curcingle is a fantastic way to start off, as you can control his bend while watching his movement. I would also advise the use of a side rein on the right side.  

  3. I would try using a surcingle and a second line.  They are quite inexpensive $20-$30 and they are a great training aid.  His leftover training from racing is probably what is causing the problem.  But you may also want to have a vet check him out and see if there are any issues that may cause him to not want to travel in a circle on the right side.

    Does he allow you to ride to the right?

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