
My horses hooves have just cracked both sides, up between end of shoe and frog, on all feet? maybe due to mud?

by  |  earlier

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There's one split on both sides of each foot, about two thirds of an inch going from between the frog and end of the shoe to just under the heel bulb. There's no smell or discharge or heat, and he's not lame. Should I keep him out of the field for a bit? It's not that wet, but is a bit muddy. I pick them out few times a day, but should I stable him and treat them? If so with what? Is it best not to ride? Thanks in advance for any help




  1. get him re-shod then buy some hoof grease or moisturiser and apply it after you have picked out his hooves.

  2. i'm not real sure...and i have horses...i would call my farrier and see what he horses hoofs will split some on the outside....that usually comes from the ground being to dry...i live in ohio...hope this helped...u'r farrier should no!!!

  3. get the farrier...  

  4. what i would do is get some pedicine this will make the hoof grow out you put it around the correnet and in the cracks and if it is muddy i would lock him in a stable to provent any abses happening hope this helps leah

  5. I don't know how serious it is without seeing it, but I would start by putting on some hoof conditioner at least once a day. Try something like Rainmaker ( if you think it's not super serious.

    If the cracks are very big or you are very concerned, take your horse to the vet. You want to make sure they don't split the hoof more, or get bigger.

  6. use hoof polish. it helps dry and cracked hooves

  7. Or lack of it.  Unless your horse had stood months in wet conditions, it is not going to be the cause of this problem...I would sooner think that it is the LACK OF MUD or moisture that is causing it...deliberately run your water tank over every day, it will not do anything but help your horese's hooves.  There are many things that you can feed orally, biotin among them.  In addition, if you trust your farrier enough to work on your horse, you should trust him/her enough for advice...ask your farrier and follow the advice that you are given.

  8. Your farrier should come look at your horse right away. The cracks can grow up and destroy your horses hooves. Its good that he isn't lame now, but if the bracks keep growing he will be soon.

    His hooves are probably dry and thats why he has the cracks. Mud is a main cause for hoof dryness. The mud absorbs the moisture from the hooves. It is good that you are keeping them clean but he should be kept in a dry area.

    There doesn't need to be a smell of excess heat for dry hooves. But those signs also could be caused by wet footing.

    A smell from the hooves would most likely be thrush, which can be cured with consistent cleaning and sterilizing.

    Heat excess would be the cause of an abscess, which is bacteria soaking into the hooves and causing and infection. An abscess will make your horse lame. Abscesses can also be easily treated.

    You should talk to your farrier, he could possibly recommend a hoof moisturizer to prevent and help heal dry hooves.  

    *To keep hooves strong i also recommend buying a horse supplement that contains biotin to keep his feet healthy and strong :]*

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