
My house burnt & i had no insurance four months ago how do i receive aid red cross?

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who contact fof help i guess i'am just now facing reality on the whole sitution i have no winter clothes nor summer clothes i need help




  1. Usually you would just call up your local chapter of the red cross. What may raise suspicion though is that 4 months have passed. What did you do in the mean time?

  2. Just call your local Red Cross. We have several locations in my city. While you are at it, ask the Red Cross what other assistance is available. In my town, we had family and social services, visiting nurses, Catholic Charities and others who are eager to help out. You can call homeless shelters and services as they maintain lists of helpful organizations.

  3. I think you might be a little to late to get aid from them.  It's been 4 months what have you been wearing this whole time.

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