
My house is a mess nobody helps unless i tell them what to do im very tired im a week away of having a baby?

by  |  earlier

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i really need to relax and stay in bed at least a day my feet and back are killing me i clean and nobody respects my work i have been trying to keep it very clean so i can relax but its imposible i cleaned all furniture floors carpet balcony washed all dirty clothes bedding towels etc to have everything in control when the baby comes i steamed cleaned the kitchen and everithing its upside down again im sick of these pigs husband and son14 yrs old and a 3yr old that has toys all over but he is a baby so i dont complaint about him but the other lazy idiots that wont move a finger unless i tell them what to do we have a very nice condo with nice furniture and a beautiful city view next to the beach where i could relax but they dont seem to care im not their made i need a break




  1. Punctuation please.  It makes it difficult to follow your rant.  You're right, you do need your rest.  My suggestion, rest.  Whether or not every dish in the house is clean or the toddlers toys are in the middle of the living room floor.  Your health and your baby are what's most important in these last few days.  Try telling your husband your concern and ask him (kindly I might add) if he would help.  Speak to him sincerely in such a way to show him how troubled you are.  If he cares for you (which I have not doubt he does) he will help.  Try not to complain too much, and thank him when he does help.  A nag is no fun, no one wants to help a nag.  But EVERYONE wants to feel appreciated.  If you take the first step and show appreciation towards him, he'll begin to do the same for you.  Trust me, this works.  You give and you get.  Best of luck!

  2. Get your husband and son and have a talk. Boys and men do not seem to see what needs to be done. Nor do they realize how much you do. If you start giving demanding orders you want get results. Explain to them that you know the baby is due very soon. I have been very tired. I want the house to stay nice for you and when the baby comes home. But I really need some help. So I have make out a list of what I need each of you to do. It would mean so much to me. Have the list ready for what you want who to do and when. If everyday you will have to put that. Be sure you put please put up after yourself. When they help tell them they are doing a good job and you so grateful. I know you feel you should not have to say anything. But believe me they just don't get it. Some do but most don't. Try this first. If this does not work then say I am going to have to hire someone to help clean if I am not going to get any help. If you can't afford that tell them its stops here. I am not your maid and let the house go until you do feel up to doing it. It want go anywhere. May drive you crazy. Keep the room you are in most clean and the h**l with the rest. After a while maybe they will get tired of living in the pig pen. Because if they are use to having it clean they will notice.

    Good luck try not to stress over it if they don't help.

  3. Oh, honey, I hear you!

    You need to figure out what you need to delegate, what you need to hire someone to do for you, and what you need to just relax and stop worrying about.

    Sit down and make a list of everything that is stressing you out and all of your worries.  Then, notate what you are going to delegate and to whom, what you are going to hire out to someone else, and what you can just let go and not stress about.  Then give your husband and both kids a list of how to help Mommy (hey, a three year old can at least dust baseboards and pick up their toys!) and then make some phone calls to hire someone to do what you can't, whether it is to deliver some meals, clean the house, run errands, etc!

    Then make yourself a lemonaide or another favorite beverage and take some deep breaths!

    Good luck!

  4. You sound like your having pregnancy moody-ness. Calling your son/husband idiots? come on. Just relax!

  5. Ugh!  I hear you, honey!  A woman's work is never done. Perhaps the 14 year old needs some privileges taken away?  As for the husband... I can't help you--I can't get my own hubby to help out!

    My sympathies! GOOD LUCK!

  6. Delegate from a Chaise Lounge overlooking your view.  Otherwise I would leave them and check into a spa/hotel.  Tell them you'll be back when they've cleaned up.

  7. Time to crack the whip.  Tell your husband and your 14 year-old son that either they pitch in and keep the place clean, or they will pay for somebody else to do it--take your son's portion out of his allowance, and make your husband pay for the rest.  You are supposed to be resting right now, and if they can't understand that, it's time to get angry!

  8. I know how you feel!  I am only 6 1/2 months but all I seem to do is clean up after my hubby and 20 month old.  My hubby is the worst!  I sincerely try to talk to him about how I feel and what he can do to help me cut 5 min here or there and he just 'forgets'.  Normally when he goes to work in the morning he puts the cat and dog into the basement and locks the doors.  Today I got up to the dog eating my garbage, the cat shedding on my CLEAN carpet and every frigging light on in the house PLUS the doors weren't locked.  I even woke him up 10 min early.  I so can't wait until the baby is born so I have more energy and can move my butt around.  I have pregnancy anemia, so everything I do feels even more tiring!!  Also it all just reinforces the fact that men are dumb animals LOL.  (j/k)

  9. How do we know if this is a Troll question or not. Your other questions are private..If this is real, be a woman and make them listen to you..Otherwise stay exhausted from constant cleaning ro just relax anyways and do nothing..

  10. Hire a house keeper - reduce the lazy teenagers allowance to help pay for it.  Send the remainder of the bill to the husband.  Start working with the 3 yo so he won't be such a pig when he grows up.

  11. Stop cleaning their messes, stop doing their clothes, stop buying food they like, and stop cooking for them. When they wake up one morning and have no clean clothes, nothing to eat, and can't find their history assignment/presentation due today because it's buried under garbage, they'll learn.

  12. You said it your self, tell them what to do! Take it easy on the name calling. Try to talk to them very calmly. Don't get yourself all worked up at this time.  Good Luck! I will pray for you!

  13. Poor you! It is very tiring but sounds like you are fighting  losing battle! You either keep doing it or simply just leave it, hubby and older son may start complaining things aren't washed and clean then! Then you say "well sort it then!" Don't stress, RELAX! :)

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