
My house is haunted by a ghost clown. Any clues as to origins?

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Odd stuff happens like once I woke up and was hit with a pie. I have no idea where it came from but there were big muddy clown footprints all over.




  1. it is because your house was built on an ancient clown burial site! watch out though it might spray you with a flower!

  2. Don't you know anything?

    All ghost clowns come from the Giant Custard star.  This can be seen in the southern sky, and should not be confused with Uranus.

    If you are under age, it is best not to visit the Giant Custard star.  It is full of tarts.


  3. First I would suggest -- if possible -- using/borrowing a video recorder and kind of hiding it so that if somebody is just s******g with you you'll have something to go on...if it still happens and nothing on the video...then I'd question it more.

  4. Finally a believable haunting story.You have that honest way about you.I'm buying it.Good luck!

  5. If you see any weird flowers your eyes. Maybe you could distract it with some balloon animals.

  6. Quick, DUCK!!!!!!!!

    Get out of there NOW!

    Its not a ghost clown, its a pie spitter demon. An evil spirit who throws pies. Kind of like how headless horsemen throw flaming pumpkins, but not quite as dangerous.

  7. The Haunted Circus?

  8. There is no such thing as ghosts and even if there were how would they get mud on its feet

  9. There ain't nothin worse that a messy ghost.

  10. Well that sounds really kinda funny! And there were some funny answers too lol. Well I guess as in life even in after life "it takes all kinds"

  11. HHmmm, your tiny deranged little mind perhaps?

  12. Ever thought it might be someone with mud on their shoes that threw a pie at you?

  13. OMG everyone knows that there is no such thing as clowns.  its all in your imagination.  the pie probably came from some other type of ghost.

  14. If you look in the mirror and say Ghostclown three times, you might see him.

    Good luck.

  15. "I don't think so...Homey don't play that!"

  16. Okay, this isn't your standard poltergiest...  this is a pastrygeist!

  17. Is your house built on the old clown burial ground? D:

  18. Yes. It is possible! and your house may be hounted. Actually they are not ghosts-they are satens. There are two types of satens good and bad and they always live around us. the good ones don't harm (just like good ppl) afn the bad ones can harm (like bad ppl) it is better that you stay away from that house. I have herd of ppl being slapped, kicked... many many... I myself too had!

  19. umm..maybe a clown lived there before..and died there..and still doesnt know that he's he's hitting u with ghost pies..i dunno..but thats scary..

  20. MOVE!

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