
My house is haunted?

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By ghosts that make spooky noises and move things around




  1. Are you around Col Ga we would love to investigate? were

  2. hmmmmm. I dont know what to do except MOVE! Quickly. Move, Move, and Move! My Uncle lives in a haunted house. It is soooooo spooky. Under his house is graves. Like 5! He moved a couple weeks ago though. Good Luck

  3. How sweet is that! People may tell you the house is settling... blah, blah, blah. But anything is possible, even ghosts, spirits etc.

  4. I have to agree that the best answer is for you to do more research. You can also go to this site or or

    These sites have a lot of information on investigators and investigating, as well as tips and practices we use.

  5. Well explain in more detail so we can help

  6. House settling that everyone is saying is completly true another thing that 93% you find with  any paranormal investigator goes to investigate will find is residual which is the spirits of the past energy going on over and over like a repeating cycling basically like pushing play on a dvd and hitting the  rewind button you keep stopping and rewinding back to the point you'll see the same thing over and over again. so maybe the noises could be animals as well , but residual energy look it up

    T.H.E. P.R.O.S.

    Team Hunting Evidence of Paranormal Research Occurrences Society

    Riverview MI 48193

  7. And...?

  8. How old are you? Don't make a public fool of your self. Of course your house isn't haunted. It's infested with pixies. Geeeze, everybody knows that. Grow up.

  9. Cool, I have several of those mischievous characters in my house as well.

  10. Mine too.....i got hardwood floors.

    Think about the sound of those tight boards expanding and contracting. Its the same sound they make when you walk on them, so when the temperature changes rapidly it often sounds like there is someone walking around in the house, where nobody should be.

    It also sounds like stuff is being moved around, sometimes it sounds like someone is upstairs rummaging around and moving heavy objects. It can be very real sounding.

    However, no objects move, its just the wood frame, hardwood floors and such expanding and contracting when the temperature changes.

    Ive done my best to video and record the sounds. No evps, no ghosts in the videos, not even dust that could be confused for spirit orbs.

  11. Tell them they're dead & to go to God.

  12. search on about paranormal'll understand more about those things and what would you able to do about it.

  13. yes it  could be haunted..with these sort of questions i refer the person to read some of the warrens cases of haunted places they were involved in. its interesting go to their web site and look under investigations

  14. Why do you think it's haunted?  There could be literally thousands of possible explanations.  Make a list of all potential causes for that which you are experiencing.  Then start eliminating potential causes based on evidence and probability.  When you get down to just a few causes "ghosts" should no longer be on the list.

  15. Are you asking a question?  If so, my answer is no, I'm sure it isn't haunted. Houses normally make lots of noises, especially at night when the temperature drops and the wood contracts and causes an audible knock now and then. Water pipes will cause knocking as well. Things seem to move around in my house too, but that's usually because I forget that I've moved something, or my wife grabbed it, or my pets are to blame. My dog is fond of stealing shoes or any piece of clothing left on the floor, and my wife still blames the cat for playing with her earrings and getting one lost.

  16. No it's not?

  17. Pay no mind to the scholars that know all the mysteries and answers to every question as long as it defines their opinions in life. They answer every ones questions that way.

    If you question is legit, Usually in a haunted house you will be sick constantly. You will see certain items float or move in one plane but not haphazardly. When I lived in one house that was definitely haunted the things that moved either moved straight up and down or horizontally, they didn't float around or disappear and then reappear in another place. It would always be the same items also.

    I was sick for 3 months straight until I moved and instantly got well. There was no way to live there and not believe in haunted houses.

    I have worked construction all my life and I know all about creaks and pops and weather affects on wood. This house was none of that. I had three people over one day and a can of soda slid 3 feet across the coffee table in full view of everyone. That wouldn't have anything to do with temperature changes and there were witnesses beside myself. That is just one of many freaky things, but that one there were others to see it so I know I wasn't going crazy.

  18. If it is. Then there is nothing you can do about it. I wouldn't care to much. heck...invite them over for long as they are not bad ghosts...

  19. let them know that youre there say hi cos all they want is attention. try meditation to try and talk to them and see what they want. trust me it usually works

  20. call the ghost busters they know what to do
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