
My house is really old and sometimes i hear creaking from above?

by  |  earlier

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ANy one please help me




  1. it would all depend on what you are describing as creaking. I would first pay attention to the times this happens to the temp. changes. I would make sure there is nothing in your attic that can be moving around. Check to make sure all openings such as vents are blocked. but most importantly, pay attention to when this happens. Houses especially old ones are poorly insulated and are very susceptible to weather and temperature changes. Wood expanding and contracting.. If you rule out everything normal first then you can start looking for paranormal reasons.  

    EDIT what are they sending you in these letters, and why did they leave it

  2. Nothing paranormal here your parents are getting it on!

  3. seriously you shouldn't have nothing to worry about...I am not an expert in this field, but your house is just settling...from what i understand a house can settle for years, years, and years. If you think something is really wrong hire a professional to come take look it would be worth it, its your house!

  4. i suggest you find out the history of the house from some neighbours or other ppl who might know.. if you find out something suspicious then get someone to get rid of it.. a priest perhaps.. but if you dont get any strange info, then just keep your eyes and ears open for any strange happenings..

  5. well all houses creak somewhat because when the sun hits it the house expands ever so slightly and creaks as it does this also it will creak once the sun has set and that is just it shrinking back to normal size

  6. Cold weather causes wood to swell. Houses do take years to settle as he said above, and when you're alone, it's more quiet and you would notice the sounds more. My house is young and the attic creaks in the winter.

    It's scary, but fif you think it's a ghost or something, ask it nicely to leave. Tell it this is your home now.

  7. I think you answered your own question. Really old houses do creak. Heat rises and the attic is usually hotter than the rest of the house during the day but cools at night, so it experiences more thermal expansion than the rest of the house, thus more "knocking".

  8. All houses built of wood creak.  Creaks can be caused by high wind or temperature change.  Creaks are more likely to occur higher up in the house.

    You notice it while you're alone because it's quieter and you're paying more attention to things other than other people.

    It's perfectly natural to fear the unknown.  There is no reason to think creaks are anything paranormal unless you see evidence to the contrary.

  9. Most houses creak between daytime temperatures and night.

    The time to worry is when things get thrown about in other rooms, cupboards open and bang, and lights and switches go on and off by themselves.

    Both myself and partner have whitnessed these things - so you don't have anything to worry about in your place.

    Really old? - like 1850? or earlier? - doesn't mean it's haunted, but makes it more likely.

    Similarly - It could have been built 5 years ago and have several.

    Depends on the history of the occupants.

  10. Ask the previous owners why they left the house and tell them to be honest.

  11. First off if it was built in the 40's it really isn't all that old (60yrs).

    Wait till it is 100 yrs. old.

    Since it sounds like you are scared do this. Get out your Bible and read passages in each room.  Say In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave my house, and by the blood he shed for my sins.

    And then....if you hear anything after is just creaking boards and that's all.

    We had squirrels get into our house in one place I lived, and there was creaking at anytime anywhere.

    So No Worry.

    Try something you have on hand to discourage the animals.

    D Con Rat poison and moth balls for starters.

  12. My in-laws house was built in the 40's by my mother-in-law's father. Very often we would be sitting at the kitchen table and it sounded just like someone would walk quickly across the bedroom above us. My father-in-law always said it was the house cooling down but it did it all year round and at random times of the day. It was pretty freaky. We used to joke that it was Grandpa walking around up there.

    Chances are the noise you are hearing is just the house settling with temperature changes. You may just notice it more when you are alone because it is quiet in the house. If nothing else weird happens you will probably get used to it after a while.

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