
My house smells like dog.?

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We got a puppy 3 days ago and the whole house smells like her. How do we get rid of the smell? we've used lysol, cleaned the floors and we always clean very well after she does her business on the floor or carpet.




  1. Eventually you won't smell it anymore. It is impossible to take out completely the dog smell. It's part of being a dog owner. You can clean, vacuum and spray all you want the smell will be back within 24 hours.

    Till she's fully potty trained you will have to shampoo your carpets on regular basis for odor and salubrity reasons. Vinegar is a great way of taking the urine smell out in between shampoos. Poor vinegar directly on the urine spot (first take out as much urine as you can) then let the vinegar sit and dry on the spot. Completely takes the odor away.  

  2. Try washing the dog...

  3. Fill a bowl with half warm water, half vinegar. Rub this all over your puppy with a wash cloth. You're not supposed to give puppies baths, but this normally gets rid of that new puppy smell.

  4. You'll get used to it.. welcome to the joys of being a dog caretaker..  

  5. You can reserve a spot for the puppy, then you can take care of the rest of the house. Febreeze tends to work well.  

  6. You can give your puppy a bath, it's safe and that's why the make puppy shampoo!!! They also sell scented collars that help with the smell of your pet. I wouldn't use vinegar on her. You could get it in her eyes or it could burn her skin if she has any scratches on her skin. Puppy shampoo comes in lots of different fragrances such as baby powder and vanilla and they are tearless too. Hope this helps

  7. Get used to it, all dogs smell a little. If you have a hound she'll smell a little more. Febreze is awesome, and you can always get an airfreshner. If you don't like the smell, take her back to the shelter or breeder.  

  8. give her more baths

  9. First off. Lysol and Pine sol will bring out the "dog smell'.   You may have noticed it is stronger after you cleaned.   When you find a pee spot try to get as much pee out as you can by dabbing with paper towels. The make a mixture of vinegar and water and spray the area.. let sit for about 15 minutes then dab it up..  If this does not work rent or purchase a steam cleaner and spot treat the area's first with a cleaner or odor remover.  We like Natures Miracle.  Then clean the carpets. This usually does the trick unless the pup is going potty more then you know.

    As for linoleum, wipe up the mess and then take a very small drop of bleach and water on a rag and wipe the area well.  Make sure it is dry before letting your pup on the floor.

  10. Febreeze, but just on fabric not on the dog itself.

  11. I agree with the first answerer. You will get used to the smell, and if you went to go stay in a hotel, it would smell weird because there is no doggy smell. Welcome to one of the joys of dog ownership. Make sure you wash your shorthaired dog at least every 6 months, and longhaired dog every 3 months. :)

  12. febreeze on fabrics or there's a pet deodarizer for your carpet.

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