
My household water is treated by a water softener. Is it ok to use the softened water in my goldfish tank?

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My household water is treated by a water softener. Is it ok to use the softened water in my goldfish tank?




  1. Softened water isn't ideal as it lacks the minerals (mainly calcium and magnesium) the fish need to function.  Are all the faucets in your house softened?  It won't kill the fish, but it won't help...  You may want to use a half dose of AQUARIUM salt in the tank water, as this will supply the essential minerals I mentioned, as well as aid the fish in producing a stronger slime coat to prevent infection.

    EDIT: Good grief.  Softened drinking water is not poison, it is just water with ions (calcium and magnesium) removed!  While it would be detrimental to chug several gallons of softened water (as it would reduce the conductivity by diluting the electrolytes), a normal amount is harmless.

  2. I don't think I would, because  a Water Softner is a chemical and that could hurt the fish.  If it's only a small tank I would go to the grocery store and buy bottled water by the gallon to fill it.  You could call and ask a pet store this question, but I would be safe and buy water instead.

  3. Water softener is not recommended for drinking and fish tank purposes, it will poison you if you drink it. It is good for washing clothes.

  4. yeah. but make sure you go to petsmart or something like that and buy some water treatment.

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