
My howler monkey just stole the police chief's hat and then flipped him off.?

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What mischief is your monkey up to?




  1. Asking and answering questions on Y!A apparently LOL

  2. Let's just say I'm getting sick and tired of burying rhesus monkey's wearing mascara and high heels in my back yard.  

    I tried turning him in but for some reason the policeman just gave me some Skittles and walked away.

  3. my monkey is standing guard of the good bananas at the market until i can get there and buy them.

  4. he's riding a dog for taco johns...!

  5. Mine is handing out protection to all our clients..We have very high rate of no icky icky.

  6. Futility is so full of it. His monkey's in my hotel room. Getting spanked.

  7. I had to go pick Zsa Zsa up from jail.  She apparently got arrested for stealing face cream and lipstick from the Quang Binh Rite-Aid.

    d**n monkeys are out of control.

  8. My monkey's moping about the hallway outside Punky's room. He's jealous and wants a spanking, too.

  9. A bunch of us are back at the hotel playing poker. My monkey is up $50...

  10. My Rhesus is deceased.

    Unfortunately, the local chefs think there's no WRONG way to eat a Rhesus.

  11. My Monkey is Next Door with his GFs.....!!

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