
My hubands parents are comig from a different country , first time i meet them, and 6 years since my husband ?

by  |  earlier

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has not seen them , what is a good impression for me, should i take a gift? flowers??????????? im very nervouse!! can some one give me ideas.please.




  1. Well taking with you a gift would be a nice thought. If you are going to eat together or something, take wine if not flowers will do

  2. you sound a bit not from here or your hubby not from here . we are in the same situation only that i get to meet them in march next year . please if you have kids make sure they re clean  and groomed and your house is clean and neat  . cook something for them instead of take out. ask your hubby what they like . he knows them better but please dont suck up or you will need to do this for the rest of your life . hope i help a little and dont be too nervous . at least i know you ve been talking to them on the phone so you should have a bit of opinion if they like you or not . good luck .

  3. Take a small bouquet of flowers for you MIL, and just be yourself and enjoy getting to know them.  

  4. the best advice that i can give you is...just be yourself.  don't put on airs.  don't ask things you normally wouldn't.  i mean, obviously, if you usually curse like a sailor and burp and are super loud, you might want to tone that down a bit.  however, if your husband loves you, i'm sure that his folks will too.  be openminded and receptive, and i'm sure that things will go fine.

  5. Pssst...

    Your husband grew up with them.

    Ask HIM!

  6. I would google "culture" of the particular country of which they live and study up. The more you know will have a definite impact on how you will be with them. And, being nervous is natural.

  7. ask your husband

    wine usualy makes a good gift, as long as they drink, so yeah ask the hubby def

    also a picture of the two, if you havent already then your wedding pic or something, parents always enjoy pics of their kids

  8. If you listed the country of origin and who is visiting whom, perhaps we can begin to think intelligently.  Please answer who, what, when, where, and why.

    We certainly do not wish to insult people by acting only within our customs.  The Vikings had a chance to start a global trade route with the native americans in the Hudson River area but the Vikings made the mistake of trading milk.

    The natives were lactose intollerant and thought themselves poisoned.  The natives ambushed the Vikings and considered White people enemies for the longest time.

    If you went to India and opened up a beef barbeque stand, you will be considered low cast.

    Bringing wine a flowers is a very European custom.

    In Korea, when you visit someone's house for the first time, bring laundry detergent.  Not that they don't have it but a small travel box as a continuing custom gesture.  Koreans who drink want moonshine but called "Soju".

    no matter what country you go to or where they are from, it is considered good manners to "do as Romans when in Rome"

  9. Try to always smile, even though you don't know what the heck they are blabbering about. if they ask you anything, just give a bigger smile and nod knowingly. hey, it works for me every time.

  10. Be yourself!  If you want to take flowers, then do so...  I think this is a nice gesture.  Then either take them to dinner or fix them a really nice meal...  Most of all, just be YOU!

  11. just be polite and friendly, other than that you're husband would have suggestions

  12. Well, ask your husband what there into? Maybe if they like wine a nice bottle of wine. To start the nite off well, and more comfortable hopefully they will pop the bottle open. If there not drinkers, maybe a nice home made dessert, if you don't know how to cook a delicious one ask a neighbor or something to help.  Are you going to there house? BC you said there coming from a different country so doesn't sound like you will be visiting them at their place, so I don't know if flowers would be a good idea. BC usually you can bring flowers to someones home so they can put them up right away, but not if there not somewhere from home they don't need to put up flowers in their condo, or hotel? You know what I mean. But I would try and see to bring over something that you could use that night, like the wine or the dessert.  A make sure you look your best with a decent outfit on, and a respectable one! Goodluck girl!! Everything will be great, if your husband loves you so should his parents =).

  13. It would help if you tell us what country your husband's parents are from. Do you know anything about their family traditions?  Is your husband close with his parents?  More information would allow us to give a better answer.

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