
My hubbie has high blood pressure (only 33 years old)?

by Guest44989  |  earlier

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Hi - Today my husband took his blood pressure, and it's 144/90, whereas usually it's 100/70.

I'm really worried. What could it be? How seriously should he take this?





  1. It's your nagging.

  2. See for information about how to take blood pressure. There's also a free downloadable blood pressure log to record readings.

    He should take several readings, following directions, and then average those readings.

    If he has elevated BP he should consult with his doctor. Also, the above mentioned site has links to resources that might help.

    Good luck!

  3. He should check it at least 3 times.  Sometimes it tends to just spike up like that.  

  4. happens when he eats food with a lot of sodium

  5. Don't fool around with it, age has nothing to do with it, it's often hereditary, my boyfriend is 28, exercises, isn't overweight and is in perfect health otherwise, but he has had high blood pressure for the past 4 years, it's in the range of 156/94 if he doesn't take pills for it.

  6. You definetly need to keep a weekly record of his blood pressure ..and if its high write down what he was doing at the time ...even if hes resting , just got upset, took a shower and so on.. salt plays a major role in blood pressure and of course fried foods and lack of exercise . but this is called the silent killer and I know this from experiance as i am 39 now and have had highblood pressure for over 20 yrs now and I have lost my kidneys cause of this on going problem . your husbands numbers if they are elevated like this over time he needs to watch is diet first and see if this is the key and if not then he will need to take some meds most likely to keep in controlled 120/80 is the normal numbers. so yes take it serious...prevention is the best medicine and loger longevity..

  7. Why is he taking it? Usually people don't just randomly take their blood pressure. Did you only take it may have to take it a couple of times to get an accurate reading.  Was he active right before he took it? Anxious?  If it's consistently like that, he should see a doctor and possibly be prescribes some meds. How's he weight also?  Best to you two.

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