
My hubby and i flew back from oz in march and since then he has had trouble with pain in both his legs.?

by  |  earlier

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he has been to docs and they said its alright, but its getting worse, both legs are painful and its hard to walk, they look swollen so it might be fluid. he has been on diet cause he is overweight. can you help




  1. if you can directly link it to your air travel then you really need a second opinion. Overweight people especially are at risk for developing clots in the veins of the legs during air travel. Don't panic though. Im sure your previous Dr. checked but,you should seek a further evaluation to be sure.

  2. See a different doctor this time.  A second opinion is always better.

  3. I don't think this is related to your flying since that was five months ago, swelling in the legs is most likely caused by edema.  What is causing this edema could be serious, go back to the doctor as soon as you can and show him your husbands legs.      

  4. it may be he is eating a lot of fat food mostly when consuming  pork. This is probably what I should  not be saying but it does work honestly . If you steam marijuana and put it on the knee with no wrapping it will heal the pain  a lot faster . so now your problem would be finding who sells it .

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