
My husban thinks because i stay at home with the kids is not a job what do you think?

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ok here is the deal i stay at home with 2 kids both under 2 years of age. he is always talking down to me telling me how i should cook for him every night do everything he tells me when he asks but yet i ask him to change a diaper oh i cant i got to go do this or that what should i do?




  1. no problem.   if its not work it must be a vacation.  so the next time your husband wants a vacation, he can stay at home 9-5 alone with the kids, and you go get a job as a cashier or something at the supermarket or such.  lets see how long he lasts.

    keep a list of what should be done, by the time you get home.

  2. A lot of guys are like this theres nothing you can do.My husband is a stay at home dad and i work but he wants me to do the house work,cook and take care of the kids when i'm home.I also have 2 kids a year old and 2 week old.

  3. He didn't become like this overnight.

    If you had told him when you met that you didn't want kids, what would he have said?  I say this because it sounds like he's some place that  he does not want to be and is resentful.

    If a guy has a decent looking wife/gf, the last thing he wants is the same girl, heavier and with a kid in each arm.  That's not what guys dream of.

  4. Divorce him. sounds like he a male chauvist PIG!!! i HAD A HUSBAND LIKE THAT & I divorced him. staying home to raise 2 kids is a full tome job in of it self. tell him you'll trade places with him,& see how he can handle it. bet he would,nt last 1 hr.

  5. I feel the same way that you do, my husband is the same way they are jerks and dont know what it is like

  6. One day when he comes home from work, you tell him you have to leave the house for 2 hours. You will come back and all he has to do is watch the kids. Have dinner ready so he cant whine about that.

    As soon as his feet step in the door, yours should be out the door.

    Your kids will be fine with Daddy for 2 hours....but I bet Daddy will have a new respect for what you deal with ALL DAY LoNG.

    I have 2 under 2 as well...its a rough job my husband NOW says he wouldnt trade me for twice his salary.

    And my husband only changes a diaper IF I'm no where to be found....Sissy!

  7. i totally agree that staying home with two children under the age of two is a very big job. i've been there and done that. but i agree that you should cook dinner every night. (and keep the house clean) but i also think he should change a diaper every once in awhile. i think you should sit him down and talk it out. and don't be ugly or hateful. just let him know how you feel. communication is always the key. good luck.

  8. Sounds like your husband is very immature, selfish & self-indulging & needs a rude awakening! Make plans to get away for a couple of days (a weekend) with a friend or other family member & let him take care of the children & fend for himself. Bets are on that he may change his tune once he sees what it is like to take care of children all day, actually be forced to change diapers & have to figure out how to get his own meals. Best of luck to you!

  9. my husband liked to say that to(we have 4 oldest 11 youngest6)  then I got a part time job on his days off.  He changed his attitude when i came home after a "long day" at work and sat down and said when is dinner going to be done and how come you didn't clean the house and pretty yourself up for me

    It is a lot more work to stay at home with the kids than work 8 hours

  10. What a marriage treat me like an equal,we are in this together.Why do you want to have s*x with me and then treat with no respect? men tend to want to be in control,but you have a chance to slow his roll,by communicating the issue whit him,and if he don't comply seek a marriage counsel.Help yourself to help him understand,that you just can't single you out here,the kids are ours kids,the food is ours food,the place we stay in is ours,so try to be apart of our life.

  11. let him spend one day at home alone with your kids. then see if he talks down to you!

  12. He is a young father I presume.This all comes with maturity.Being a mother is the hardest job in the world.I grew up with a father that worked and slept.Thats what I thought Dad did because that was what I knew.I got married young and used to be like your husband out of ignorance.I never knew until my wife decided to work too and I had to do things while she worked.Thank God I woke up.If there is any way you can talk to him about it that he doesnt feel attacked do so.It is hard for us to say we are scared.I was.I didnt know how to baith a baby etc.I fianally woke up and started asking my wife to teach me.Some men are;nt mature enough to realize mommy needs a break and deserves one too.Tell him you want to go to work too.He thinks you got it good give him a couple nights or days you work with the kids and it will open his eyes.Some of my best memories are changing my kids diapers.Find out what his dad did when he was growing up,Maybe he has precedence.Good luck to you.Its funny because I see couples like this now and think "That guys a jerk,he doesnt know what he is missing.IT TOOK A RUDE AWAKENING FOR ME TO WAKE UP AND SEE.

  13. Tell him to stay home for a day and see how hard it is to take care of 2 kids under 2 and do all the housework and then maybe he will change his crappy attitude towards you,

  14. Go away for a weekend with a friend, sister, etc and leave him at home to do everything for the kids for two full days...he might learn something!

  15. I'd make him spend a day with the kids and do everything asked of him like you do.

    He should really appreciate you more.  

  16.   I was in the same boat, except working 3-4 nights (7-8 hours) a week.  My husband acted the same way, minus the dinner because he's a god cook.  He would come home with that same attitude.  The house wasn't clean enough.  If I had cleaned that dy, he would complain about something else.  I was really perterbed at how darn cliche he was being.  I don't get how guys seriously don't understand that women do not want to s***w around with guys that act like that.  

  17. Hey I am a woman and would love to be a stay home mom.   However this is my view point.  Absolutely Monday through Friday you should do it all cook his dinner take care of the kids if you maintain your house everyday it is not that much of a job to do during the day.  The weeksends he should be taking car of the yard and the outside things he does and cars or what every responsibility he takes care of you should still be taking care of the kids house and all....   On Sundays you ALL relax the things that you have to do dinner dishes you do as a team and relax the rest of the day....

    If this is the way you want you family set up that is the way it should be I think anyways.   In my family we all work as a team everyday I even work in the shop on cars with him and he does dishes but if one spouce does not want to work the they should do it all at home..   This day and age I have seen it over and over again women want to stay home with the kids problem is husband comes home to a pig sty and no food to eat.   If you wanna be a housewife be a housewife...

    I do have children so I know how tough of a job it can be.

    Athough he should not talk down to you either...

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