I've been in the bathroom brushing my teeth or something while my husband goes #2 and I see that he only wipes once or twice. I asked him why he doesn't wipe till it's gone like I was taught and he said because it's a waste of toilet paper. After he takes a shower and thoroughly cleans he smells fine but as soon as he takes a dump, he's smelly. Some times he'll go a day without showering because he "didn't do much" the day before. Anything he sits on smells like *** (literally), even the couch and my favorite blanket! Some one help me!?!?!?! I've heard of maybe wet wipes (like the kind for babies but for grown ups) and I've heard of some sort of powder, any other suggestions? I also need a way to tell him since he's a little hot headed. I've told him to wipe more as I said but, yeah. HELP ME!