
My husband Cheated on me. What should I Do?

by Guest58642  |  earlier

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I found my husband had s*x with a girl whome he met online. and he wanted to continue the relation ship with her. we got married after 12years of relation ship and this's our second year of marriage. He keep quite about the issue and didn't bother to apologise in a proper way other than saying "sorry". He stops talking to me after the incident. time to time we excanges few words.what should I do next? I'm lost right now.




  1. sounds like there's notthing in the marriage to begin with, so why exactly are u still together?  and btw, is there a proper way to say "sorry?" i think the fire left b4 u guys got married.  If he doesn't really feel guilty about the affair, then there's something missing between you 2 and the other woman is giving it to him.  find out what's wrong and try and fic it, or move on.  

  2. Leave him, go for a holiday and find someone that really love you.

    We woman should fight for your own happiness.

  3. He had s*x with this girl and wanted to continue the relationship, leave him. He does not love you anymore.

  4. You are lost right now??? Look either you accept the fact that he cheated on you and put up with him doing it again or you walk away and don't look back.

  5. Sounds like its time to move on with your life, especially if he can't apologise in a proper way. This shows his love for you has died and you need to find someone who will treat you much better than this dude.

  6. Well, if it were me it would be over in a flash after that. Cheating is never acceptable to me. However, some people are able to work things out in situations where the person is genuinely sorry and wants to change. I just don't see why you would think a guy like that is all you deserve. If he wants to continue the relationship with her, i'm assuming he wants to end it with you. Or keep you on the back burner in case things don't work out. Either way, this is a very painful situation. But the guy is a jerk! Gather your self-esteem and leave what is comfortable, I am 100% sure you will find someone better than him.

  7. Hi sweetheart, I can understand your grief and sadness that overwhelm your emotion. It's really sad. If it's been 12 years, then you of course have thought of him as another part of your body. But he betrayed you. After cheating, things will not be the same again. He made a tremendous mistake that he cannot ever amend, he will surely be the one who will have grief and sadness.

    If I were you, I would reach out emotional supports from your family and friends, so to get ready to leave him.

    My ex-bf cheated on me three times. I am a very forgiving person, but his cheating had always been on lingering my head and couldn't get remove. It's better to separate than suffering throughout your life.

    Let him to go to that random woman, and feel his misery with his skin. I would like to say, please see the light not the darkness. So let him pay the price.

    Good luck.  

  8. You're in shock. You're hurt with mixed feelings and you're confused as to what to do. For yourself, you need to speak with someone such as a counselor, therapist or someone you can trust. If you decide to try and save your marriage you will need the assistance of a marriage counselor for some sessions. He will need to admit to his mistake and express to you his sincere apology. He will need to end the affair and re-assure you that it's completely over. You two will need to develope some new tools for moving ahead with a sucessful marriage relationship. I wish you well. Good luck.

  9. I would get a divorce, but if you want to work it out then seek counseling, and if it is going to work he needs to stop all contact with his mistress and start earning your trust.

    * How does one apologize other then saying sorry.

    He just needs to start treating you with more respect.

    One note, remember if a man is happy at home he will never rome, so if you are willing to forgive him you then have to look at the reason or reasons he may have strayed and fix those along the way.

  10. u should b wif me now

  11. You have to determine what you have every right to leave him right now and if you stay it will be rough.  The ball is in your court.  It appears you two have over a decade with each other so you have to determine if this can be me, it is but it is up to you.  If you decide to reconcile you both have to be up front on what it is you both want from each other.  additionally, you have to explain to him how he needs to demonstrate he is sorry.  Good Luck and I'm sorry for your pain because I know there are no words to describe the pain you have right now.  

  12. I remember that Dane Cook's joke about relationSHITS...Im so sorry but you are right in the middle of it. I know it is hard especially after so many years together but....Dear,YOU DESERVE the best. Once he cheated it is never gonna stop. He will hurt you over and over again. And according to your story he is not so sad about this.

    It is your decision what to do but you can overcome this right now by leaving him and you can find your happiness....or stay with him and always think about where is he right now! I bet you won't trust him anymore. Your life-your decision!


  14. Divorce him and move on to greener pastures and find a man who truly deserves you. If my husband did that to me this would not even be a question he would be out on his a** in a second. The fact that he doesn't even seem remorse full means he probably doesn't care any way.

  15. Threesome. That seems to be the only way to save your relations.

  16. I would pack up and leave. End of discussion.

  17. Personally I think you have the answer to this question already but you are not sure if you have the right answer that's all. Normally when we found that our loved one cheated on us, we are unable to accept the facts. You got to asked yourself do you still trust him after you caught him cheating on you?

    To me a relationship is over when there is no mutual trust between a couple. I believe you got to be strong and move on with your life. As whether you want to divorced with your husband, it really depends on whether there is still mutual trust between both of you.

    You have the final decision on the issue and nobody can tell you what  to do except yourself.  

  18. Your husband is obviously is getting sick of you.  And his love for you is turning sour too... Please wake up....Don't be sorrow over such unfaithful man.  Don't deserve it and they will never repent... You ought to know, what will be your next move.  Unless you can't bear, sorry to say that you will have to pretend nothing had happen and just move on your life with your unfaithful husband.  Good Luck!!!

  19. Leave him, he's no longer interested in you. time to seek for your happiness somewhere else.

    Good Luck.  

  20. Thats sad ,he is not to be tusted again why dont you move away from him for a while en think about it must be hard but its your life dear u dont want to die of Aids

  21. I'd be asking him when he was moving out.

  22. If you truly love eachother you have to confont the real reason behind his cheating, and if you can't do that yourselves, you might have to go seek counseling. So you need to address the real issue, like is he unhappy with the marriage? or does he need more s*x? etc. etc. So you need to talk about and hope he loves you and is truly sorry and won't do it agian, or you might have to get a divorce :(

    Another thing i just remembered you said that he wanted to start a realationship with her, so more than likely it wasn't just about s*x, maybe he is unhappy with you. If he doesn't want to go to counseling and actually work on it, then you might have to get a divorce. good luck to you, and Heres hoping for happiness in your future. :)

  23. You don;t need a man like that in your life.Kick him to the curb.

  24. Stay with him, keep having s*x with him, try to catch all the STD's he's probably got, oh yeah, and do try to have a few kids.


    Come on, you know what to do!  Get yourself checked by a doctor and get a divorce.  What else could you possibly be doing?

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