
My husband & I are in a debate over this ..Should you during a high wind storm leave your windows open ?

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Storms like tornatic winds with little or no rain




  1. open, they release pressure so the house doesn't blow up

  2. At one time it was thought you should open them because the area around the tornado has very low pressure. Then the theory was tested and they found out by the time a tornado was close enough to effect the pressure around a house it was already being torn apart.

  3. I know of no advantage in doing this.  This sounds like a derivative of the old myth that you should open a window if a tornado is going to strike, in order to alleviate the pressure difference.   That has been shown to be false.  

    You could open the windows if you simply want to air out the building, otherwise it is not advisable.

  4. Open windows is how tornadoes lift off a roof.

  5. DO NOT open the window before a tornado.  Do not take the time to do this take cover right away.  If the tornado wants the windows open it will do the job itself.  Get away from windows and take cover.  


  6. I don't think it really matters that much.If it's close enough to destroy your house I don't think it's going to matter much either way.If you're speaking about a tornado.

    The same can be said for the wind as well.If it's strong enough to destroy your home it doesn't matter either way.

  7. During a tornado leave them open a little bit and they'll be less likely to shatter.

  8. As a SKYWARN Spotter for the National Weather Service and one that Studies Severe Weather Climatology and Safety I can tell you NO!!! it does not matter besides  the time it takes to open a window takes away from the valuable time of seeking shelter.

    This answer from the National Weather Service Storm PRediction Center's FAQ Page, Explains it best.

    Long ago, I was told to open windows to equalize pressure. Now I have heard that's a bad thing to do. Which is right? Opening the windows is absolutely useless, a waste of precious time, and can be very dangerous. Don't do it. You may be injured by flying glass trying to do it. And if the tornado hits your home, it will blast the windows open anyway.

  9. The Meteorologist on our local news said earlier this Spring  it is not a good idea to leave the windows open  during high winds or a tornado.

  10. never ever keep the windows open it lets air in the house and more debre. keeping ur windows open is just a myth never ever leave ur windows open. i am only 11 years old but know much about weather. i will become a famous meteiroligst one day and believe me don't keep ur windows open period

  11. No, it doesn't matter in a regular windstorm.  If the wind is strong enough, it'll break the window whether it's open or not.  

    There's a myth about opening windows in a tornado.  The reason they say is that in a tornado, the air pressure is very low while the pressure inside your house stays relatively high.  If you open a window you'll help equalize the pressure in your house and make the house less likely to explode.

    While there is something to the pressure equalization theory, it's really not effective.  And the pressure difference thing only applies to a tornado, but not simply strong winds, say associated with a severe thunderstorm.

    Back to the tornado scenario.  If a tornado were that bad where the pressure would be enough to make your house explode, then the winds will be so strong that it'll break your windows, tear your roof off, and make your walls collapse anyway...pressure difference or not.  In a tornado, don't even waste your time opening windows, just go straight to a safe place and ride it out.  The same goes for very strong winds.

  12. NO! DO NOT KEEP THE WINDOWS OPEN! Houses with closed windows are still quite permeable, so air will have no problem flowing out of your house without the help of a few windows. Tornados usually rip of roof off of houses, causing the walls to collapse, and leading to the illusion of an explosion.

    Open windows cause air to rush into the house, and since it'll be coming in at who knows what speed, it'll rip off the roof faster. It's bad if a tornado rips off your roof. It's worse if a tornado rips off your roof faster because it has help from air rushing into the house and pushing against the ceiling.

  13. no shut em up if the wind catches the window in the right place itl rip it off

  14. no.

  15. The windows should definitely be kept closed.  I'm including a link from USA Today that will explain.

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