
My husband allocates 10% of his monthly salary to her mother, and i've learned to accept that, but..?

by  |  earlier

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aside from that regular allowance that he gives to his mother, he lied to me several times by hiding a hefty amount of money that he gives to her mother occasionally..we already had big fights in the past regarding that. Just now, I discovered that he lied to me again as he plans to give an 'extra' to his mom again. We are not rich, and I as a wife go through all the trouble of making both ends meet. Now i'm tired , of fighting for the respect i deserve, i'm tired of explaining to him how bad it feels each time he does that. I just realized, I dont have any questions to ask,..




  1. Let me guess... you're mexican? My brother in law married a mexican girl and they had this exact same problem with her giving all their moeny to her family.

    With this, you will just have to put your foot down. Or you can get separate accounts and split the bills. Or talk to the mother in law and say, "Don't accept any more money from my husband; you're taking the food out of my children's mouths."  

  2. Believe me in a situation like this you will never win

    Been there myself  

  3. It is clear to me that MOM comes before YOU. Sit him down and make a joint agreement about how much mom gets and he must stick to it or he may be also paying spousal support.

  4. "My husband allocates 10% of his monthly salary to her mother"

    ...Wait what?

  5. Funny how that works. Writing it down makes it all suddenly clear.  

  6. give it a break.. its his MOTHER and he has every d**n right to give HIS money to her if he wants. Just so long as your both able to make ends meet.. him squirreling away money to help out his mom should be absolutely no concern to you.. stop getting jealous over his mom ffs

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