
My husband and I are about ready to start the adoption process for an ethiopian baby. ?

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Does anyone have any recommendations for an agency they have worked with? Also, I have read that some agencies terminate adoption if we become pregnant...Are there agencies that will continue with the process? I read that Ethiopia doesn't care but it is up to agency rules. thanks!




  1. As some posters suggested go for domestic adoption. Then later they will accuse you of coercing a poor woman of her baby and calling you nasty names.

    If you want to meet people like you who are adopting Internationally go to websites and connect with like minded people who will not judge you and give you harsh responses making you feel evil.,,

  2. I know the following agencies have Ethiopian adoption programs, and I know families who've had good experiences with them.

    I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but once you have adopted the child, and they are home with you, then no agency could "terminate" the adoption if you went on to become pregnant. However, with many agencies if you become pregnant before you travel to adopt the child, then you will probably not be able to complete the adoption, and the child will be adopted by another family.

    This is for several good reasons, first the newly adopted child will be going through a lot when they join your family, and will need a lot of one-on -one attension, and care inorder to form a healthy attachment. Even if the child is a little older, the adjustmant period for the family and child can be challenging, and adding the birth of a new baby into the situation a few months later, probably wouuldn't be in the best interest of the newly adopted child.

    Also, most agencies want families who have infertility problems to resolve those issues before persuing an adoption. If a couple is still tryin to concieve during the adoption process, many feel they are not emotionally ready to give up the desire of a biological child, and may view the child they adopted as "second best".

  3. Here's a link to a very reputable agency that facilitates Ethiopian adoptions and also provides humanitarian aid. You can use the search function on the website to look for other agencies that might serve your needs well.

    As far as I can see, you do not need to worry about a disruption (termination) if you become pregnant - that may be bad information to begin with. But be sure to go over all of your questions and concerns with your case worker.

  4. Why do you want to go to Ethiopia to adobt when there are thousands of babies in America that need adobted?? Thats just a question not trying to offend you or anything just wondering, becuase alot of people do this stuff all the time.

  5. I agree with many posters -- please consider domestic adoption. There is SUCH a need, both privately and through foster system.

  6. Rather than begin your search by finding an agency, I would like to recommend that you closely investigate the country from which you wish to adopt.  

    For instance, I recently heard that a particular agency maintains that it runs newspaper ads in Ethiopia announcing children in orphanages are soon to be put up for adoption.  This, they maintain, ensures that the children are truly orphans and not just simply children separated from their searching parents.  A blatant example of good intentions are not enough when you consider the fact that in Ethiopia only 35.1% of the female population over the age of 15 is literate.

    Please do all you can to ensure that your adoption is handled in the most ethical and moral manner possible.  Countries with challenged infrastructures are easy prey for companies, even Adoption Agencies, whose major concern is earning monetary profits.

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