has told me that she wanted to leave her husband, because she feels lonely and like he doesn't pay her enough attention. He is otherwise a wonderful husband. I know that she has talked to him about how she feels, but she says that it is just the way that he is, and that he wont change. I am concerned about her and what she says that her marriage lacks. I know that her husband is a great man, and I think that if she leaves him for someone else, she may realize that no one will ever be a "perfect" match. So as her friend should I tell her what I think, or just go along with what she does. I want her to feel like her feelings are important, but I also want her to realize what she is saying. I do know that he is a great husband, we are around them a lot and she even says he is a great husband except.... So my question is should we try talking to her husband, maybe he is not hearing her, but he might hear us. I do not want them to get a divorce over something that could be fixed. They are great people and have a young child. Would it be out of line for us to talk to her husband?