
My husband and I are going to Niagara Falls next Week ?

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This may be a silly questions but really dont know where else to ask. I was just wondering if you can bring intimate adult toys across the border ? We are going to be staying at a motel on the Canadian side.




  1. I live right beside Niagara so here's some information that can save you a lot of trouble. First off, don't bring electronic's accross the border. You'll be tied up for hour's while custom's sort's through you thing's. There are plenty of s*x shop's in Niagara Falls. Just pick up what you need on the Canadian side.If you have non-battery operated items, then you'll be ok. Maybe you should look into finding a Canadian man so you don't need to bring toy's along with your husband. I take it his isn't working too well?????

  2. Yes, of course.

    Just be prepared to blush a little should customs decide to check your car and go through your bags.  The likelihood of that happening is higher on your trip back home to the US, though, no offense but your customs officers are a lot tougher!  But thankfully, they usually send you inside to fill out some paperwork (if you get pulled over at customs), and you aren't standing right there when they are tearing everything apart.

    Have a good trip!

  3. just stay on your side, coz we all know niagara fall ny, is hella dirty, so just keep the dirty stuff there

  4. Yes, you can.

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