
My husband and I are going to be adopting our nephew. I am trying to figure out where we should start.?

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My brother-in law and his girlfriend just found out that they are pregnant and we cant have children and they already have together 3 other children and they are wanting to give the baby to us. I live in tennesse and I was just wondering the laws, cost and how hard or easily it will be for us to adopt him?

Both parents agree that they want to give him to us. They are both willing to sign. There are no family problems and no one trying to interfere. I've just already went through a situation where someone gave me a little girl and said they were going to let me adopt and then three months later took her back. So this time I want to do everything legal with no worries of the baby being taken from me again.




  1. Since this will be a private adoption, you will need to get an attorney for yourself and an attorney for your brother in law and girlfriend. You can not share attorneys, even though you both agree now.  There are some attorneys that will represent natural parents in an uncontested adoption for free so you may just have to pay for your own. Price varies by experience and subspecialty so I can't really give you an estimate. Call around to see who has the best deal without compromising service.

    In tennesee, the natural parents may not sign consents for at least 3 days after the child's birth. The y must be executed in front of a judge, who will question everyone to see if everyone understands the full effects of the law. The natural parent(s) have 10 days to withdraw consent.

    I'm sorry, but there is nothing you can do to prevent a parent from changing his or her mind. That is their right and as heartbreaking as I'm sure it is, please remember that it is also heartbreaking for us natural parents as well. Please be aware that this is a very real possibility as it is impossible to imagine the feeling of loss until the baby is born.

    I believe if you do everything legally and ethically with the child's best interest at heart, things will work out for you.

  2. How wonderful that your brother-in-law and his girlfriend are WILING to sign for the baby to be  adopted. That is in your favor. The adoption process will go faster and be easier. At the hospital ask the social worker to help with the proper hospital paperwork. Such as birth certificate etc. Is your brother-in law going through a adoption agency? That would help too in get the other paperwork completed.

    accurately. Very Sorry to hear about not receiving a little girl. Also check out books at the library about adoption, there are many excellent books that will help you through the adoption process. Best Wishes and Happy Adopting. Every child deserves to have a forever family to be Loved and cared for.

  3. first go to a lawyer. They can guide you on the particular laws your state has. Some, if not all states require adoption homestudies and background checks. some require classes. You'll need to be approved to adopt by your state. I would get started now so it'll all be done before the birth.

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