
My husband and I are having problems getting our 2 month old to sleep at night.?

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The only way to get to sleep at any time of the day or night is putting him on his tummy. We don't leave him on his tummy all night, only when we're awake and watching him.

My little guy hates being swaddled so I can't do that. He won't sleep straight after a bath even when we use a bath lotion to help relax babies. Can anyone suggest something that might help?




  1. We use a music soother in the crib, works like a charm every night!!!!

    My son never liked to be swaddled either.

  2. Only suggestion I have is to wait it out. Sooner or later he will become a better sleeper. It took my daughter until she was 7 months to sleep the night, and she still doesn't like the initial falling asleep part. Some babies will adapt to a transitional object like a stuffed animal or a blanket. Mine didn't although she still grabs onto my hand or arm for dear life and shes almost 9 months.

  3. It's natural for babies to wake up a few times during the night, wanting a bottle (my children didn't sleep through the night consistently until 6 or 7 months at least).

    However, if you mean just sleeping in general, it's not a bad thing for babies to sleep on their stomach.  I never had any problems with my kids sleeping like that.

  4. He's too young to sleep at night, and pushing him isn't going to work. Unfortunately, you're going to have to ride out the course. He will begin sleeping through the night soon enough, usually between 4-6 months old, but right now, he is too young.

  5. Are you sure he hates being swaddled?  Emma used to fight being swaddled and I assumed she did not like it.  Two months after she was born someone bought me a swaddling blanket.  I put it on her and she slept all night!

  6. There are lots of suggestions in the article below.

    And I have never had a baby that gets tired after a bath.  Around here baths are play time and very exciting.  I bath after the afternoon nap and well before bedtime so as to not disturb sleeping.


  7. Have you tried putting him on his side with a positioner? Ask your doctor about that. We asked ours and he OK-ed it for our son. It was the only way he'd stay asleep.  

  8. Have you tried a swing? My daughter loved to fall asleep in her swing and then I'd just put her to bed from there. She had some reflux when she was very young and I think falling asleep upright helped her fall asleep better.

    Also my doctor okayed my daughter sleeping on her side. I just rolled up a receiving blanket to make sure she didn't roll over on her tummy.

    Your not expecting him to sleep through the night though are you? Far too young to expect that from him. At that age I was up every 4 hours to feed. My daughter didn't start STTN until about 5 months of age.

  9. Does your baby only have problem sleeping at night ? Or is it anytime of the day ? Frankly speaking, babies at 2 months old cannot sleep through the night. But as long as he is not crying, let him be.

    If he sleeps better on his tummy, could it be he feels more secure (laying on his chest makes him feel secure, and not easily startle) ? If that is the case, maybe you would like to consider those bean bag toys that you can put on his chest? Not so heavy yet he can have the same feeling of lying on his tummy.

    Actually that was what I did for my kids. But I was more fussy, I didn't like the furry toys as I think it traps dust. So what I did was to buy the beads meant for bean bag and sew them with satin fabric

  10. My suggest, is to sleep when he sleeps. Sometimes babies are so tired they for some reason fight going to sleep because they think they will miss something. You might have to just wait it out. You can try a car seat if you really want to catch some zzs's babies love carseats usually, or something where your son isnt laying straight down, maybe he is the baby that likes to be up on an angle, if that is the case he might have acid reflex, which makes it comfy to sleep on his tummy or laying at an angle, could talk to your doctor.

    My daughter who is also 2 months old LOVES this little stuff animals that light up in the face or tummy, and sings night time songs. One is a gloworm, and the other is a sea horse that plays for 5 minutes. She just stares at it and LOVES it. Its really cheap, about 10 dollars and was a God send for me. I wish you the best of luck!

  11. Don't put him on his tummy!  It only takes a few seconds for SIDS to happen.  Perhaps he'd sleep okay on his side?  That's better than on his tummy.

    As for him not sleeping well, he's only 2 months.  This is normal and will pass in time.  He should be sleeping much better within two more months.

    To get him ready for bed, try to stick to a rountine so he knows what to expect.  At bedtime, dim the lights, and keep them dim when he wakes up in the middle of the night.  

    Hang in there, it gets better.

  12. I have a bouncy chair ^.^ my daughter adores it she falls asleep in it all the time she's been doing her nights since she was 2.5 months old and now is 4.5 months old . But the bouncy chair is just beautiful does wonders!

  13. well my son is 6 months old and when he was a newborn he would never sleep unless he was on his belly. so i let him sleep on his belly..of couse i was there to wartch him..and boy did he sleep much longer..also he was allergic to all the formulas except nutramigen..the doctor told me to put a little bit of rice in his bottle (maybe a teaspoon)..that also helped alot.try lavender bath soap and lotion as well.

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