
My husband and I are having some trouble deciding, Could you give us your opinion?

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Ultimately we are going to decide by our own opinions, but we don't want to miss any advantage/disadvantages. So here you go:

My husband leaves for USAF basic training October 14th, and should be done with training by February of '09. We're wanting to start a family soon, but we don't know if we would like to do it before he goes so he gets to see the last 6 months guaranteed, or wait until afterwards and hope he doesn't get deployed at the end of the pregnancy.

We're still thinking everything through, and just need some outside opinions to help us out. Thanks!




  1. I would wait.

  2. i say you wait becuase you cant be there for every moment of the childs life. but the days and moments before the babys born are the most precius moments anyone could have. wait and make sure he will be there. my mother is 40 and is getting remarried. to be truthful,its never to late.

  3. I'm a new Army wife but my husband has been in the Army since long before we were married or dating so our whole relationship has been scheduled around him not being home and now that we are married our choices about having children are being based on him being away as well. As much as we want a family we don't want him to miss anything important-the doctor visits,finding out the gender of the baby,shopping for the baby and especially the baby being born so we're waiting until we know for sure he will be home to experience all those amazing moments. That's just us though! I hope you figure out what's best for you and good luck :)

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