I want a "private adoption" meaning that I will not go through an agency. I don't want to go through an agency because they charge way too much and I feel that is money that could be spent on the baby's needs, right?
Secondly, I can have children ( I didn't have a "miscariage" I just delivered early at 22 weeks and my son lived for 2 1/2 hours) I have an incompetent cervix and so the next time I do get pregnant, it will have to be planned and I will have to get a cerclage.
We are trying to adopt now because we feel that it would be best (since we do want to adopt anyway) that our first child be adopted so that they will not fel inferior to any of our natural children- if that makes since. Also we are a young couple that wants to expand our family and conceiving is not an option right now, we have decided that adoption would be our 1st step in family planning. I really just don't know how to get started. There are teens out there pregnant... is that a better way to go in adoption?