
My husband and I are not talking should I bother talking to him?

by  |  earlier

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My husband cheated on me with different women and "fell in love with one of them". He would not leave me because he said he still love me. Less than a month a go he promised to forget about her. Everything seem to be going OK, but I found a text message from her a week ago. He denied talking to her but I've seen his cell statement and they text each other almost all day. She knows he's married. Since than we are not talking at all. He's still at the house.. should I talk to him to find out what is going on and if he's planning to move out any time soon? I'm also thinking on giving her a call... I'm preparing my self mentally and physically to file for divorce. any advise?




  1. He hasn't changed anything. The trust has been destroyed and now he's not talking to YOU? Are you kidding me? He should be kissing your feet for not kicking him out in the first place. His attitude is completely backward.  

  2. communication is the best contact you can have with someone you love if you still in love of course. your marriage state no one can give you any advice what is best for you because we don't feel how you feel only you can know what you want to do. On the other hand the first thing you have to know yourself do you want to keep him? do you want to put an end to your marriage that you promise during the ceremony that you will love him till death, do you want to keep your vow?

    You said he at present is keeping the contact with another woman so why don't you talk to him gather all your evidence and take out of his mouth the right key of your marriage. ask him if he still really loves you because we cannot love 2 person at the same time because our feelings are like those of road ways each direction brings you in one destination and not hundreds same with the heart or he loves you or the other one.

    it's also a good solution if he doesn't want to leave talk to woman, ask her what is really their feelings to each other but don't put yourself minus to nothing, neither beg her whatsoever.

    the one you have to talk to really is your husband if he's not using you for his own interest.

    Mean while arrange yourself make yourself beautiful and attractive, put make up dress well and appropriate, go out often to forget what's going on in your life. you cannot move as faster as the clock  unless you get an idea of the cause.

    all the best for you.

  3. He has no conscience & is taking you for granted.  Ask him to move out until he's prepared to be honest & treat you with respect as his wife & stop his affairs & commit to marriage counselling - if you still want this relationship to work.  Give her a call if you like but you may set yourself up for more grief - or otherwise you move out of the house & cut contact until your terms are met.  Good luck.  Hope you are ok.  Dont let your straying husband treat you so bad - you deserve so much more.  

    Meanwhile get some legal advice - perhaps before you move out or before you ask him to.

  4. Leave the cheating fool. When he goes out pack his bags for him and call his new woman to come and get them.  

  5. I so sorry that is happening to you.  I am going through the same thing at the moment.  What you need to do get the advice of lawyer and see what your options are and yes you have every right ask him when he is moving out and I wouldn't even bother calling her it's not worth effort.  

  6. No.  File for divorce.  You were VERY kind the first time around and tried to put this in the past, sadly he did not.  I think you are better off with out him.  You deserve more.

  7. If you talk to him he will either lie or just tell you what you want to hear.  I wouldn't bother calling the other woman.  She will lie too.  

    Go ahead and file for divorce.  You have every reason to if he's cheated multiple times.

  8. Stop preparing,  Get your butt to a lawyer and file.  He is not going to get better on this one.  He has cheated on you and then continues to do so.  Why would he change that behavior?

    Get to court and get his butt out of your life.

  9. WOW...I CANT believe you didnt kick him out right on the spot....dont put up with a man that is a deserve waay better!

    also talk to him and be prepared for a huge fight....also think about money wise..just incase he trys to take all your money and stuff(checks debit cards credit cards) make sure u hide them so he cant incase he trys to........

    talk to him first....then talk to that bitc*.......

    id beat the **** out of both of them

    he probably thinks hes getting away with it since hes just being ignored and not "fought" with.......hes probably thinking u need time to be mad and u will get over it in a while...but kick hiss *** out hes eating it up that hes getting his cookie and eating it too!!!!!

  10. you should pack his things for him. YOU MAKE THE DECISION!! if he loved you he wouldnt do that with one woman, much less different women. what a pig.  

  11. Cut his p***s off!!! There that answers it!! No, Seriously get your divorce cause you can't train a stray dog to be a house dog! He's straying and there's no way stopping him, once a cheater always a cheater especially if it is someone he fell in love with.

    get the:



    file on adultry

    have him pay for all your stress

    and make sure even though that yall would be divorce to keep you on the insurance.

    you can get him for sooooo many things but also make sure you get a d**n good lawyer.

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