
My husband and I are relocating, where to?

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we live on the outer banx of NC. It was once a beautiful remote place to live. Now, the tourists have taken over and are pushing the locals out. It is no longer what it used to be here thanx to the money hungry northerners that own homes around here & their bright idea of commercialization. Dont get me wrong, I love my wal marts, but we didnt need to go so overboard and now it sucks here.

I am looking for a place to move to soon, maybe the first of the year. We want to start a new adventure in life. We are looking for a place that is laid back and quaint. Not too much traffic, down to earth people, no drama, everyone waves and is sincerely nice...all that good stuff but still near a little bit of civilization. By suggestions of where you live or have traveled, where would you recommend us to start looking? thanx for all of your help in advance! have a great day!




  1. If you're no older than say, 45, I would recommend New Zealand.  Getting an immigration visa is very difficult, though, especially if you have no degree or are not in a line of work that is in demand in NZ, like a nurse, a cosmetologist, a chef, an electrician, plumber or auto mechanic, or the like.  They have free medical care & free car insurance, and their cities are squeeky clean with public bathrooms everywhere that are cleaned about every 15 minutes.  And yes, their official language is English.  One point of difficulty, and that is, they are not especially fond of Americans as immigrants.  At least that's what my immigration lawyer told me as being possibly the reason why I was not accepted for immigrantion.  

  2. In the East I would head north to Maine, around Portland; or to New Hamshire, the Portsmouth area; or Rhode Island, the Providence area. People are VERY friendly and the cost of living will be about the same as where you are. You might have to adjust to the winters, though along the coast they are not as cold or snowy as the interior/mountainous regions.  

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