Ok where to start, Im in a bad place emotionally right now and so in love with my husband I dont know how to stop myself.
About 3 weeks ago I went away for a week with the kids due to where I was camping I could not charge my phone and was unable to talk to my husband for 4 days.
I come home happy and content in life to find out my husband was unhappy in our marriage and the lack of contact did not help. He said that the past 6 months were not good due to me lashing out when I was mad and the lack of communication due to him playing computers 7 days a week 6pm to 12pm at night and spending 3 years on and off going to bed on my own.
The day after my head was all over the place instinct was telling something more serious was going on, I started to grieve feeling my husband was cheating on me and he was going to leave. That day I did something very stupid and tried to take my life, it was only a cry for help. The problem was prior to all of this he decided he wanted to got to amsterdam to visit friends , this is totally out of character for my husband as he as no real life friends, he doesnt drink and is slightly depressive. He plays computer games more specific online games.
This also was playing on my mind when I did what I did, this did not help our situation all week I was up and down emotionally tormenting myself with what I had done. My husband saying I needed mental help and saying I was paranoid. That week I also helped pack his suitcase of which I was suspicious as he had to take his designer clothes and boxers and his aftershave (of which he bought for us!) never the less feeling very insecure I drove him to the airport (ON MY BIRTHDAY!) and off he went. That evening I felt awful, lonely, one birthday card not from him.
After talking to family member I came to the conclusion that he would never cheat on me and started to be positive by setting myself goals, so the next day I looked on his computer for is flight information to set a goal but found an email address that I had not seen before, I managed none the less to get into it to find about 2 months of emails to another woman who he we both met playing online games who concidently lived in amsterdam. They were horrible saying how much they loved each other and other stuff sexually.
To cut along story short I rang him up and confronted, he said that he had'nt done anything he had made that decsion before getting off the plane. All that week we talked and text and came to the conclusion that we were going to work through our problems. Even though he was staying at her parents house. Eventually this led to lust and the best s*x we ever had when he came home.
The real problem is he has been home for two weeks and I have been an emotional wreck, I need reassurances and affection, he has been hot and cold with feelings, he now said he loves me but hes not in love with me, that its gonna take time, that I should'nt push him into making a decsion. That it may not work could be a week a month etc.
Just be normal. How can I be normal, I feel rejected and insecure.
He has just controlled the whole thing when ever I try to help or talk about the problems try and fix what I did and help him to mend he clams up any arguement ends in well I can always leave, knowing fine well that I will buckle and start to cry begging him not to because I love him to much. Then another night it will be like nothing has happened, great s*x etc etc.
I cant live like this as much as I want this to work and I love him hes my soulmate and Im so frightend of losing him. Anyways yesterday I had enough and asked to move out for a bit so we had time to think.
He did I was calm and collective packed all his stuff up and did the ironing upstairs while he packed the stuff into his dads car.
He kept coming up making idol chit chat and at the end said I suppose you want your ring back I said I didnt want anything just yet then he said you do know Im leaving once im gone im gone. He is being made redundant in 3 weeks and is expecting a payout, I feel he was just waiting for that. Part of me thinks he confused and may come back.
Im scared with have a big mortgage which we have had for 3 years and a secured loan on top, I have a very good job just dont know if I could manage all on my own not to mention being a single parent again.
I cant stop texting him and calling in desperation i love him dearly and want him back mentally. I feel horrible inside im not eating or sleeping, he was always the one when I felt bad that could take my pain away with a hug and a kiss, now I cant get that and it hurts.
I really am messed up.