
My husband and I are trying to conceive...?

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I'm just wondering...does it really work if you stand on your head or put your legs in the air afterwards? How long do you stay like that? lol..




  1. No, it doesn't really work.  I think it's an "old-wives tale"

    When I was ttc, my doc told me to just lie down for 20 mins afterwards.  It worked!

  2. try listening to self hyponosis cd and find it yourself.  It have worked on 99% cases with some stunning results.

  3. Standing on your head afterwards will increase your odds of getting pregnant by 0.0241%.  However, trying to acheive mutal "O" will increase your odds by 2.51% because your "O" will effectively help to draw the swimmers up past the cervix.

  4. Apparently it can help, I layed on my back after s*x with my legs elevated for 20 mins and well, I got pregnant. I guess it does not hurt to try and increase your chances!

  5. no just lay down with ur legs elevated for like 20mins

  6. no it doesnt... i done it before i got pregnant with my daughter.. i stood like that until my head felt like all my blood was there... when you stop stress over it and just have fun with havin s*x then you will probably get pregnant... but also if its not when God wants you to have a baby then it wont happen at all no matter what you do  

  7. think logiclly ... it is really helpfull for the spermatozoide sto travel to the egg .... so keep it up but not for long and not too much up ...  

  8. I wouldn't worry about doing handstands after s*x, it just looks and seems silly. Maybe try sticking a pillow or 2 under your tush for 20-30 minutes.

    Good Luck!!

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