
My husband and I are trying to have a baby, we tried sat. and today is wed. can i already be having symptoms?

by  |  earlier

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i have serious headaches, stomache ache and throwing up




  1. I doubt it.  I only had symptoms like that when I was 6 weeks.

  2. No.

  3. its really early for that?

  4. No, it is in your head.

  5. no

    you may not believe this but sometimes when you think you may be pregnant, your body actually exhibits symptoms to make you think you are. you look for every little thing when you are trying. when me and my husband tried, it took us 8 months and i cant tell you how many times i really thought i was. it will happen though. just dont give up. its so worth the wait too. but being a few days pregnant, no symptoms would be very unlikely to show.

    very unlikely.

    you usually dont show symptoms until you are at least a few wks along

  6. probably then, pregnancy test? u can get early ones they're less accurate but could help give you answers.

  7. No usually women that become pregnant start to fell symptoms after 3 weeks. maybe you are thinking of it too much, or maybe you could gotten pregnant before sat>>

  8. It's possible, but highly unlikely.  If you and your husband conceived at exactly the moment you were ovulating then the embryo usually embedds within the womb lining within a day or two.  However the hormonal changes that usually lead to symptoms of pregnancy usually take at least 8 days from then to become apparent.  Suggest you hang in there a few more days and do a proper test in a few days time.  Good luck.

  9. NO....that is just crazy

  10. Most people that feel they have symptoms this early usually have caught a bug or are suffering from IPS (imaginary pregnancy symptoms).  I was a sufferer myself.  I did some research and found out there is no way to have any symptoms before the egg implants (7-10 after fertilization).  Your body doesn't even know you are pregnant until the egg is completely implanted and it could still be a day or two before you have any symptoms after that.  

  11. No.  It takes 5-10 days after fertilization for an egg to implant. Only then will your body begin to produce hCG - the pregnancy hormone (the culprit for all those unpleasant symptoms).

    That said, you say you 'tried' Saturday.  Are you sure you ovulated Saturday? If you ovulated Sunday or Monday, even, you'd only be 2 or 3 days in.

    Good luck to you!!  

  12. no.. it took me about a month to even know i was pregnant.. well ever since i missed my period i've started to have symtoms.

  13. nooo not that soon, your probably feeling anxious and nervous and excited you need to just relax and let things happen, and try more than just one day silly!

  14. NO WAY.. you can not be having symptoms this early.

    your thinking too  hard. ......HONEY

  15. i did ! yes

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