
My husband and I are wanting to adopt, but financially, its just a strain, is there anything available free?

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My husband and I are both loving and caring Christian people, I just don't understand why there are so many kids in this country that need homes, but it cost so darn much to adopt them. I was wondering if there were such things as absolutely free adoptions. We can afford the daily costs and insurance of raising children, just can't afford the costs of adoption. I pray that God will bless us one day by being parents and I have faith he will. I just don't know where to start in this process. All of your HELP will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Like everyone else said the most inexpensive way to adopt is through the fostercare system. Good luck!

  2. I believe caring Christian people are the right people to foster!  We were foster parents and then decided to adopt through foster care.  That is the only "free" way to adopt, and you are help a child TRULY in need.

    Good luck!

  3. go through your local childrens aid society its free and do a foster to adopt

  4. I would suggest becoming foster parents and you could foster to adopt. A friend of mine had the same problem, they got scammed and went broke and then became foster parents. Went from none to 3 children under 4 in TWO weeks. The kids are a 3months old, 1yr old and 4 yr old.

  5. Adopt from the Foster Care system that is going to be the cheapest forum of adoption, in some cases it can be completely free. Its costs the state less to pay for your home studies and court fees, etc  then to keep the kid(s) in the  care of the state. They want to get these kids adopted.

    Some places you will even get money monthly for your adopted child till they turn 18. I have  heard (not sure if its 100%) of states that will even pay (Fully) for college for a child adopted from the FC. It would have to be one of the state colleges.

    One can generally  put what age ranges they would be willing to take like say 0 years to 5 years etc.

    You might also check out this link, it has some methods on affording adoption (Adoption loans/grants etc.)

  6. You could start out by fostering a child in need. Many times those cases can work out where you would be able to adopt.  Of course, sometimes the kids go back to their birth families and that can be heartbreaking.  At least look into fostering. You are right that there are far too many kids that need good homes.

  7. Foster care is where the children in need are, and it doesn't cost you to adopt the children who are available.  

    Contact your local children services and they can point you in the right direction.  Usually you'll need to complete their classes, then they will do a homestudy and guide you through the paperwork.  In most cases this is of no charge to you.

    You can also stipulate in many areas that you do not wish to foster but wish to adopt only.

  8. Are you aware that there are tax credits available, so that you get much of the money that you spend on the adoption back?

  9. Yes, adopt a child waiting for a home in the foster care system - there are around 140,000 of them and all deserve a good home and adoption costs are minimal.

  10. There are children all over the world who desperately need families.  There are several avenues to pursue adoption, each with their own benefits and drawbacks.  I recommend you investigate all of them and decide what is best for your family.  

    Foster care and/or foster adoption is probably the least expensive route to adoption.  There are certainly many children in foster care that need permanent, secure, safe and loving homes.

    Otherwise, the first poster was correct.  There is an adoption tax credit, so after the adoption is finalized, some or all of the expenses may be reimbursed via tax credit.  Most people who adopt cannot simply write a check for the full amount.  Some take out loans, borrow from a 401K, refinance the house, then repay that loan when the tax credit comes.  Otherwise, there's getting a second job, cutting back on "fun money" and other cost savings measures.  It's a matter of choosing what is right for you.  

    Also bear in mind that not all of the money is due up front.  It comes in stages throughout the process.  

    Good luck

  11. Actually, the only way that I know of is to adopt through foster care.  If you choose to be foster parents, however, please keep in mind that there is NO way to know whether or not the foster child you keep will become available for adoption.  Be prepared to love every foster child, because they need a loving parent.  Give them stability and love and nurturing.  If they return to the familes, rejoice that they were able to be with them.  Grieve over your own pain, but remember that you gave them something they needed--something that will contribute to their healthy growth into adulthood.  

    If you are blessed with a child who does become available for adoption rejoice for your own joy, and grieve for the child's loss and the first mom's loss.  For there will be loss.  No way around it.  Then be prepared to give your adoptee all the things you would normally give your child--love, stability, nurturing.  But you have to go a step further with adoptees.  You have to also be prepared to help them find the healing they need for whatever trauma occurred before adoption.  Be certain, there was trauma, or they would not have been in foster care.  

    Remember, that all adoptees will have adoption issues.  They FEEL adopted even if you never think twice about the fact that they are adopted.  

    You should have almost no costs, as far as that  goes.  In fact, I would encourage you to fight for your child to receive an adoption subsidy.  The reason that I strongly encourage that is because you have no way of knowing how much therapy any adoptee will need, and you will be obligated by your love for them to provide whatever help they need.

  12. Special needs adoption through foster care.  Please keep in mind that all children adopted through foster care are considered special does not mean they are mentally disabled or fire starters....

    Contact a local agency...most are of little to no cost!

  13. Foster care is the only "free" way I know of.  The adoption tax credit is great, but the apprx $11k doesn't show up until after the adoption is final and you file also covers less than 1/2 normal expenses.  The other option you have is to reach out to your friends and family through church and elsewhere, it might take longer, but you may be able to find someone with a friend or relative who is making an adoption plan.   This doesn't make it free, but if you don't have to go through an agency, you should be able to do everything for $11k, which also means you can get a loan and pay it back with the tax proceeds.

  14. Many of the Children's Aid societies in each State do adoptions for free, or for very minimal costs.  We are in a special program in our area where we are foster parents first and then once the court work is done to sever the connection with the bio parents we will be adopting our little one.  She is now 9 weeks and we picked her up from the hospital at 4 days old.  

    All of our adoption will be for free through CAS.

  15. It doesn't cost anything to adopt the kids who actually NEED new families.  Call your local DHS and get started on the foster/adoption process.  They'll be able to tell you what you need to do.  It's free in most states, but ask them if there are any fees you'd have to cover.

    The kids who "cost so much" are healthy white infants who's mothers could parent them with a little help.  The cost goes down from there based on race, age, special needs, etc.  Most of these kids don't need to be adopted.  They could stay with their families with a little extra support.

  16. You can actually become foster-to-adopt parents. That way you know that the child is up for adoption, and there is no chance of being returmed to their biological parents. And they also have national adoption day where the adoptions are free. My old foster parents did that to adopt 3 kids, becuase they couldn't afford the adoption costs. I would highly recommend looking into that.

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