
My husband and I are wanting to adopt a little girl, but to adopt cost more than we can afford. What do we do?

by  |  earlier

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We already have two boys, and doctors say I can't have anymore children. I really would love to have a little girl.




  1. We live in a messed up world, where there are too many children out there that need good homes. You shouldn't have to pay for them. What are they puppies. I hope you start fostering.

  2. My mom did foster-care and she ended up adopting all 5 of them!  Since it began with foster care she didn't have to pay anything to adopt them and she recieves a state payment of like $400 a month per child. Oh and with foster care you can pick the s*x and age of child you want

  3. take a loan from the bank if you can.

  4. in the state i live in there is a web site that shows all the young children that are custody of the state and all you have to do is take a class it last about 9 weeks and depending on the child they pay YOU to adopt them all you have to do is give them something they don't have a LOVING HOME , the children range from all different ages. all you have to do is contact social services and they can give you more information

  5. Start fostering, or call your local children's aid society.  They always have kids who need loving homes, and I don't think they charge you to adopt the kids, since the kids are already costing them a lot of money to care for.  Those are the kids who need it most.

  6. Borrow or ask family to give you money is one possibility. If you are in the US, you will get a tax credit the year you adopt (can't remember what it is but I think it's like $15,000) which you can use to pay back money you borrowed.

    Another option is to foster a baby girl and hope you can adopt her at some point. That is what a friend of mine did, and she picked up her beautiful little girl at 2 days old.

    If this is something you both want, you will need to find creative ways to achieve it. Good luck.

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