
My husband and I have a 2 year old, and we are thinking of sharing a place with a friend and her boyfriend.

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How should we fairly split the rent? This is the breakdown

Boyfriend and friend - in 1 bedroom

Husband and I - in 1 bedroom

our son - in 1 bedroom.

So say our rent is $2700 a month for a 3 bedroom apartment, should we split it up by person? We pay $1620 (3 people) and they pay $1080 (2 people)?

What do you all think? And how about utilities, should we split the same way? It just seems like alot to charge a toddler the same as an adult.




  1. Paying it by person would make the most sense. BUT seeing how you probably don't want to pay as much for your son, I'd suggest you talk to your friend and her boyfriend and see if you guys can come up with some sort of agreement.

    After all it is your son, so there really is no difference if it's 2 year old or 15 years old.

    You never know, your friend might help out and pay more than $1080...

    So long as you both agree on something and possibly have an agreement or a contract or something.........just for formality........even if it is a friend and's just so much easier to make this issue more business than personal.

  2. i think it's a good idea

  3. Just to complicate things a bit more-Is one of the bedrooms a "Master bedroom?

    If someone is getting a real nice large bedroom they should pay more.

    Only real strong advice I have is get all this worked out in writing before you move in.  Write down what happens when someone moves out or does not pay their share.  Write down how you will keep food separate and toilet tissue and such. Who will do cleaning chores?  

  4. Dear Basically u r thinking in wrong.

    If really u want to plit, you take the floor area and dont take the no of persons.

    ! Good Idea ! Proceed

  5. It may seem like a lot to "charge a toddler" but that child will have his or her own bedroom.  Rightfully, it should be split one-third (them) two-thirds (your family) (based upon number of bedrooms being used).

    It would be less expensive to have the child stay with you and your spouse and get another room-mate for the third bedroom.

    In the meanwhile, you should save the money you would have been spending on your child's room in order to have your own place. Such an arrangement as you describe should be only short-term temporary at best.  (Why are you considering this? Have you a place you are leaving? Why? These questions and answers are important.)

    Remember also that a two year old can be a nuisance to folks without kids.  There may be stress with your room mates because of your child.

    Finally, if your friends have been in the apartment for awhile and have been paying the utilities and have copies of the bills to prove it, perhaps agree to pay the difference between what they have been paying all along, and whatever the amount goes up to, once you move in.

  6. hello - if indeed the third bedroom is a real bedroom, then you are getting 2/3 of the living space and should pay 2/3 of the costs.  if its really a large closet, you should talk to your friends and work out a fair arrangement.  I other words, if that third room could be occupied by another full paying adult, you need to pay full price for it.  if it could not really be occupied by anyone other than a small child (real bed does not fit etc.) then pay something more as you are indeed using more space, but perhaps not 1/3 of total cost.   good luck

  7. You should pay two thirds of everything.

  8. I think you can share 50 - 50 Rent & Utilities.  

  9. The $2700 should be split into thirds.   Your family is using, heating and cooling, 2/3'rds of the living space for your own use.   The cost of utilities is based on the size of the house, not people in it.    Cooling the house for 1 person is the same as 5, but you have 2/3's the space, therefore 2/3's the bills.    Toddlers use electricity just like anyone else, as well as water, maybe more because of all of the laundry they generate.

    A far rent split is 1800/900.

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