
My husband and I have been looking at this house for a couple of years. There is not rent or sale

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no nothing. It's really nice on the inside, but it's overgrown with grass, and just unkempt= but we're still so very interested in it.

We even went as far as to put a note on the door to call us.

Is there any way on line we can find out, so we can either pursue it or put this fantasy to rest?




  1. Check with the Tax Assessors office to get the owner's name and address.

  2. sure go to county and search the records. . .with the address you can get the PIN (property identification #) and find out ownership

    do a zillow search or other online search. . .find property values, understanding zillow is not totally accurate, often wrong

    It's worthwhile putting a little time and effort into it to find out the status. . . .you may be the first to contact and they may be happy to sell it and not put it on market, in this horrible market, and you can get a deal. . . .

  3. The county tax assessor can tell you who owns it, a real estate agent should be able to look it up as well.

    Homes like you describe are most often caught up in probate and may never be sold.

  4. check at the court house to see who owns took us four years to get our house....keep searching...we got ours for $100.00 down...the rest of the downpayment was the work we put into it...

  5. Alot of counties have assessment sites on line. Become a member.(usually free w/limited personal info) They collect it so that if someone uses it for illegal or immoral reasons,they are easier caught. Enter as much info on the property as possible. You may be able to contact the owner personally. Also,county courthouses have a public record room for accessing this info. Good Luck!

  6. "Landlord" is correct that you can get the ownership information from the city or county tax records. Or a real estate agent can get it for you...from the same source.

    I disagree, though, that it may not be worth pursuing, or even that it's most likely in probate. Could be. But it could simply be a home that's paid-in-full and the owner is elsewhere. Perhaps in a nursing home or assisted living facility. But that doesn't mean it's tied up in probate. Sometimes the person with power of attorney just figures they'll sit on it awhile. All they're really paying is some taxes and insurance. And they think that if they want to sell it, they'll have to put in tens of thousands of dollars to get it ready to sell.

    So, your strategy is to find out who owns it. Then get a Realtor to do a CMA (competitive market analysis) on the property. If it's not listed, you can't (generally) get inside and see the condition, so your CMA would have to assume some repairs are likely.

    Now, there's a way to get around that, of course. One or more of the neighbors is likely to have a key to the property. Knock on doors and ask.

    Then you put together an offer for the owner of the property. The offer, of course, is contingent on a home inspection. (Sure, you can make an offer on any home. It doesn't have to be listed for sale.) Then see what happens. If no response, have your agent follow up in 2 weeks. And keep pursuing it.

    Good luck.

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