
My husband and I just separated but he is seeing someone that works for us how do I handle it?

by  |  earlier

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we also live in a small village




  1. This is a difficult question, I wish you the best. You got to just suck it up any emotion you show will just make things worse, at the same time you can't be cold, either way you will be the better person if he realizes this is not getting to you. You say you are separated what are the terms of the separation did you agree to see other people. is your marriage over? Were you in favor of the separation? Should you really not want to be separated does he truly know how you feel, are you just now interested in him because he is seeing someone else? Be honest from the beginning of a relationship and don't expect him to be able to read your mind.

  2. Tell the girl that he is seeing now that the reason the two of you seperated is because you both went in for an HIV and he tested positive and you tested negative.

  3. Not sure of all the details but I would terminate her or find work elsewhere.  Being in that type of environment can't be good for you.  

  4. FIRE THEM!!!!!!!

  5. This happened to me and I did nothing but he fired her because i bitched about it.Then he did again with another one.He died  and i found out after his death there were lots more.Honey when a man cheats ,he doesn't quit get rid of him and find someone that want cheat.Or you will wind up growing old and your heart broken many times.

  6. Well, hopefully either you or your husband can buy the other out of the business and can start anew. He was seeing her prior to your separation, I assume? Take the high ground and avoid her. I hope they have the sense to keep their relationship to a business level while the three of you are at work for the time being. I would try to get out or have him get out as soon as you can. Be civil. Avoidance is a good idea. Break free soon and begin in a fresh direction as soon as possible. Good luck!

  7. Wow...that's REALLY rude of both of them. First, I'd find out if his dating her is a conflict of interest in your company. If it is, they either have to report it to human resources or stop it immediately, or one of them will be fired.

    But if that's not an option and you just have do deal with it, the first thing you should do is NOT let them know that it's bothering you. Be nice to both of them, but not overly nice. That ex husband of yours is probably getting off on thinking you're pining for him and that woman is probably thinkg "haha I got her man" the best way to aggravate them and come off looking cool and confident is to let them think you could care less what they do!

    If you want to be low-down and get back at them (namely him), have flowers delivered to yourself there at work. Make sure they aren't something you'd pick out for yourself, so they won't guess, and if anyone asks who they are from, just smile and say "Well I don't want to make my ex-husband uncomfortable, so we'll just pretend they're from a secret admirer" that'll make him look like an ***...not that he needs any help!

    Good luck!

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