
My husband and I just tonight decided that we would start TTC?

by Guest63837  |  earlier

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starting in October....any good advice? I went to the doc and had a check up last month and everything is good. I already have one son from a previous marriage, who is 15 (almost 16) years old....I'm 35, DH is 36...I'm excited and nervous at the same time!!!

I'm an OB RN and deal with labor and delivery every day at work, but it's different when it's you trying, and when patient's come to us, they obviously are successful in TTC.




  1. my husband and i tried for 9 months (im 21) and with lots of prayers and the first month of using preseed lubricant we succeeded. also, that was the first month i tracked when i ovulated through cervical positon and mucus, since the OPKs didn't work for me (im very irregular) and charting wouldn't be accurate since i dont wake up at the same time each day. im now pregnant with a beautiful baby boy! Good luck!! I hope that it happens very soon for you :-)

  2. Read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".  As  a nurse, you should be able to easily understand the science and logic behind the facts and ideas presented in this book... and it seems that there is lots of information in this book that even many health care workers may not realize.

    The fact that you are already 35 says you need to get going as fast as possible and do everything "scientifically" possible to increase your chances (that biological clock is ticking).  You will need to begin thinking about being seen by a fertility speciallist if you can not get pregnant (with the information from this book) within 6 months.  You've got to do everything possible to give yourself as much time as possible in case your fertility has significantly decreased since that child 16 years ago.

  3. The best advice I can give you is to simply stop using contraception and let nature take it's course don't be concentrating on ttc yet or monitoring your cycles or anything like that. Trying to hard can really dampen efforts and especially as you are just about to start just have fun with it for a while and see what happens. As long as you are healthy (which you would already know anyway) there's not much more you need to do at this stage

  4. First off congratulations.Im ttc also .I started taking pregnancy vitamins,cut out coffee & have'nt been drinking any alcohol for a month now.We have decided to just let nature take its course for now & just have fun with the baby making.So no ovulation tests etc.We are using this as an excuse to just spend more time being intimate together because once the baby comes there isnt going to be as much time for us to do things on our own.I think this is a really important part of making a baby because otherwise it becomes a chore & there is no enjoyment anymore. So good luck to you both & happy baby making :)

  5. it out. Worked for me. The cycle calendar will tell you what days you are probably ovulating, without all those expensive tests. Took us 3 months, but now we are expecting. I also heard if you want a girl, to start having s*x the day after you end your period, and everyday thereafter until 2 days before your expected ovulation day. I did some research, seems male sperm move faster, but die quicker, making them get there faster, but females swim slower, but can live up to 72 hours in the v****a. You might be interested in looking into that as well. I also found out that a salty diet produces better chances for boys, and sweet diet for girls. Good Luck!

  6. I guess my advice would be to eat healthy foods, Take prenatal vitamins, and don't let trying to conceive be too routine. Spice things up in the bedroom. Start charting your cycles now so you get a idea of how your body works.  

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