
My husband and I live in NC and want to adopt a baby or young child.?

by  |  earlier

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We have been trying to get pregnant for 5 years now but between thyroid and pcos there has been no luck. We don't have a lot of money so an adoption agency is out. We have pretty good jobs and a whole lot of LOVE! any suggestion would be grateful thanks in advance.




  1. well the legal way to adopt is through an agency, a domestic agency will be better, nad less costly, they will have you fill out a profile that birthmothers look at, it has your picture and stuff about you guys in it. OR if you don't want to wait that long, talk to a social service director and they can help you (google or yellow pages) and they may need you to be a foster faily, but its an easy way to get into adopting, and you can usually adopt your foster's if they go up for adoption

  2. Have you ever thought of having someone else carry your baby, I know thats a little weird, but it would be yours.... I don't really know it was just a suggestion I am not even sure if its costly or not...but whatever you guys decide i wish you all the luck!

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