
My husband and I moved to FL 5 years ago, we moved home to MASS 8 months ago. Now what???

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His entire family is here, we raise three children together and two are his children from a first marraige. The kids mother is here in Mass., and my parents are in FL still. We are having a very tough financial time here and home is just..well harder than we remember. The question is should we stay here and risk loosing my mom or move back and possibly take my step children away from thier mom, who is a fairweather parent? Please help asap.




  1. Okay i would say stay there because you have already moved back.the thing is you can't just keep moving kids around.try harder to make it or something for the kids.

  2. (((laughing))) I guess the real question is ... "what part of Mass are you in?"

    What is the job situation MA vs FL? What is the economy difference? Are his children with his ex wife happy to be near home again?

    Your mother is your mother til the end of time.

    Their mother (absentee or not) is their mother til the end of time.

    Look at ALL the pros and cons. Why did you move north in the first place? Is your mother ill or elderly?

    In the mean some Timberlands and a good jacket and enjoy the change in temperature.

    Gud Luck to ya and don't pahk yur cah in sum one alses pah-king spaht or they will slahsh yur tars.

  3. The step kids have seen their mother once in a while over five years.    So if the step kids are say 18 and 19, more than 25% of their lives has been spent without her.  Granted it wasn't the formative part perhaps but it was definitely the roughest part what with learning to how to have appropriate relationships with the opposite s*x, doing well in the part of school that counts in college, etc.   So their mom isn't a player in this issue.  "Loosing your mom"  doesn't compute for me so I'm skipping it.   If the cost of living in ur part of Florida is lower than his part of Mass,  what's the choice?

    Stuff seems pretty clear based on what you've said.  Good Luck


  4. well your mom is YOUR mom, but your step childrens mother is THEIR MOTHER, even if she isnt the best mom in the world.. my opinion is that it would be doing a injustice to the kids. now if there is abuse thats a diff story. and why would you be risking loosing your mom? shes not going to stop being your mother if you stay in Mass...  I moved from maine to florida, back to maine, then to okla and back to maine. my mother didnt disown me because I moved all over the country. but I was an adult.. you need to think of hte children at this point.. they need their mother.  

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