
My husband and I want only 1 child for us. Do you think that my son will develop fine without other siblings ?

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if my son go to play groups twice a week for two hours at a time??




  1. He will be fine. You have more time to spend with him and I am sure he will get all of your attention and love since you only want one. He will be happy and well adjusted I am sure.

  2. 'Only' children are generally more advanced in academics.  They tend to be smart and ambitious and successful but many of them have difficulty socializing with other children which can affect their relationships in later life.  If you don't encourage him to be in group activities in childhood he might be a loner.

  3. There is many children who are the only child. I was not one but at times i wish i was.! My room mate was the only child and she wishes she was not.My son is a single child and he is not able to play with other children... he is doing well. I dont think that they need play dates...  but that is up to you. I would just interact with him more if you think that he needs more attention and time.

    Good luck.  

  4. I was an only child until the age of 11, and I got a sibling. :) It's a huge age difference, yes. I was perfectly fine growing up as an only, not spoiled at all (or so I think). At one point, the child might get tired from your constant attention focused on him.

    On the other hand, I incredibly love my baby sister. At first, when my mother told me she was pregnant, I was extremely upset about the fact that we would have another family member. This was a huge change to get used to, but when she was born, I immediately loved her. She was like the filling of an emptiness in my family.

    I would ask that you reconsider having only one child. I understand that this is a huge thing to ask as an outsider, but having a sibling is just...great. It's another friend, and when his parents pass away, who else can he lean on? His sibling.

    :) Hope that helped.

    (But only children do indeed get a greater education. As an only child, my mother constantly pushed textbooks in my face and had me study...a LOT. But I'm doing fine right now in my Quest program; not falling behind on the assignments or anything. It really didn't change much for me, I guess.)

  5. I don't see why not. Lots of only children are great people who are generous, kind, and high achievers. The concepts of sharing and teamwork are the two behaviors that only children have more trouble understanding. The play groups and group activities when he's old enough for school should take care of that!! : )

  6. I am an only child.

    I think that I developed just fine.

    I get along well with others and I am very sociable.

    & I think that being an only child I got more attention from my parents.

    Not that other siblings are bad.

    I want 3 children just because I want a big family.

  7. Every kid is different, my sister has a friend that's an only child and she's like 20 now, but I remember my sister saying that she didn;t know how to share things or space and could get sometimes irrated about certain things. I think she maybe okay now though.

    I'm the oldest and I grew up having two sisters and one brother and it was nice having someone around to hang out with. And sometimes having another sibling is a good thing to for medical reasons. Sometimes one kid may get sick and may need blood from a sibling that a parent cannot give. I've seen that in news reports and stuff.

  8. My  almost two year old son is and will be an only child and he's developing fine. He has an amazing vocabulary, even talks in a few sentences. Is learning is colors, numbers and letters as if he were a four year old. Your baby will be fine. I think it's smarter to have only one, financially speaking that is.  

  9. Dont be mad if you get negative answers on here.  A lot of people think that you need to have more then one child.  My husband and I have a daughter, and dont plan on having more.  She is developing great.  The key is to get him around other kids, like cousins and things like that.  Once she's older we plan on enrolling her in preschool for a few days so she can meet and interact with other children.

  10. I am 34yrs and I was an only child until 8 yrs ago.

    I turned out just fine and I was not spoiled at all.

    Some kids today are really spoiled rotten.

    He will be fine.

  11. It really has more to do with you as parents then anything else.  You need to keep your child grounded (not punished just firmly established).  Play groups are great, I found that sharing is sometimes a problem with an only child.  

    Sounds like you are concerned about your sons development.  That is the first step.  Just look around in a Wallmart, watch how kids disrespect there parents, then make up in your mind to never let your Son do that.  

    You will be fine

  12. Of course.  the idea that single children are spoiled is outdated.  

    It's good that not everyone has 2 or 3, because the world is already over-populated!

  13. Plenty of only children grow up just fine. There is nothing saying that we all need to have siblings to develop. I'm an only child and while I had cousins my age when I was young, to play with, I loved the idea of still having my space and my freedom when I was away from them...granted my family lived in a tiny apartment so I was hardly spoiled in a big house but I didn't have to argue with anyone or anything like that.

    Don't get me wrong, from my vicarious experience (I have friends with very loving families and siblings) siblings are a great asset to people lives, but I've never felt lacking.

  14. hmm,well,if he has friends,yeah,why noT?thou ive met single kids before who are wishful to have a sibling to play with,even when they're like 15 or 16,they want a sibling...but if they have a good quantity of friends,well,i think he will develop good

  15. As long as he hangs out with other kids his age and u don't spoil him (trust me) he'll turn out just fine.

  16. I have a neice that is an only child and she is caring and shares well and has good manners so i don't think u have anything to worry about. I think good kids come from good parenting.

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