
My husband and I want to adopt (in California), but he has two misdemeanors. What can we do?

by Guest63356  |  earlier

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My husband has two misdemeanors, one in 1997 and one in 2000. We would like to adopt through the Foster/ Adoption Program in California. Does anyone know if we still can? We cannot do an expungment because they are $700 a piece or more. County adoption is free, the person just has to pay for the home study and fingerprinting.




  1. Why don't you call the county adoption agency and find out from those who would know.

  2. There is a chance you still can depending on what the misdemeanors are for.  If they have anything to do with harming children then you are though out of luck.  Anyway I use to work for Department of Children and Family Services and we would give exceptions in certain situations.  It all depends on how old the arrest were and what they were arrested for.  I would say give it a shot and be honest.  Also, it helps if your husband can prove that he took classes, therapy, etc. as a result of his arrest.  This shows that he has made a commitment to change.  Good luck there are a lot of children who need a good home.

  3. Why don't you just make one

  4. I used to work in Child Protective Services in Texas and you cant adopt through the state if you have a record, unelss you have one h**l of a lawyer but  hey you can try but believe me from my experience in my cases NO, not even family members with a record could have unsupervised visits with the children

  5. According to the adoption guide (

    "Misdemeanors stemming from youthful indiscretions usually aren't held against prospective adopters, although a social worker will want to know if your past behavior is just that. If you have a DUI on your record, for instance, she'll ask if you went through a rehabilitation program and what your current drinking habits are. If you have committed a felony, the U.S. government won't approve you to adopt internationally, and you might have trouble finding a domestic agency to accept you."

    But, as others have said- check with your county agency. I also encourage you to read lots on adoption, maybe form some of the adoptees here:, and really learn all you can about fostering and adopting.  

    oh, and Hearfir: your totally right. Teens know nothing.

  6. im sorry, but if you cant afford to pay 1400 to have his record expunged, how on earth are you going to afford to raise a child?

  7. You should ask for professional help rather than post on a forum  flooded with teens. Then again, what do I know?

  8. If you tell the adoption agency about the convictions up front, you can ask for their advice.  If you're honest about it, you are more likely to be allowed to go through with the adoption process.  If you hide the crimes and make the adoption agency find out about them when they do the background checks, it won't look very good.

  9. I understand looking at to the internet to research this first, but your safest bet is to contact the County Adoption agency and ask them. You don't want to become misinformed and get your hopes up b/c of answers on here and then find out you can't adopt.

  10. you could get them expunged from his record for a very high price, get a lawyer and ask how to do that. trust me it will be hard to accomplish, but can be accomplished!

    good luck, i hope you get your bundle of joy!

  11. BE HONEST and check with the case worker. As long as they are not felony charges I believe you can still adopt. However, they can not have anything to do with kids....


  12. Im sure if you go to the adoption agency and prove them your case, Im sure they will help work something out with you. Good for you for atemping to give a child a second chance and a family, I hope all goes well for you!

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