
My husband and I want to adopt???

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my husband and I are looking to adopt but need to find a person who does not want to use a adoption company because it is sooo expensive.

My husband is a pastor (of non-denominational church) and I am a stay at home mom. I am 24 and my husband is 29.

Is this possible to find someone who would want to do this with us...with Lawyers too of course.




  1. Honestly, you probably could do that, since there are so many websites dedicated to pregnant unwed mothers looking for people to adopt their children privately.

    But look into fostering a child. Sometimes you can adopt them later, but there are millions of abused and neglected children in the foster system that need good homes. If you want to make a difference in the world and fufill your motherly instincts, this is the way to go. And you'll get paid every month to help with expenses. You could show a child what it's like to really be loved...all different ages and races. That's my opinion, take it or leave it.

  2. The best course of action needs to begin with an adoption lawyer.  The cost is still high, but not as high as it could be.  A lawyer will take you through every step of the process and make sure you have everything done in the right order and put you in touch with perspective birth mothers.  You will need to create a of your family, friends, home, etc...a kind of a scrap book, you will need to have a home study done ( to make sure not only your home is stable, but clean and ready for baby), and you will have up front fees as well as costs along the way.  You can set up an appointment with a lawyer and she will lay a lot of this out up front...they usually charge by the hour, so you can request a short appointment to simply discuss cost and procedure and then you can have time to take that information home with you and discuss it with each other before you make any decisions.  This is a long drawn out process for some...but completely worth it!  

    Good luck and God bless!  You are making a wonderful decison!

  3. no because you have to sign papers anyway you go. good luck.

  4. Do not go the private adoption route.....It took seven years to get permanence for our dd because the natural father kept disappearing. And believe me it is not cheaper then an agency.

    We spent thousands in and out of court. It was very emotionally upsetting for dd because she had to watch as her friends were adopted and she could not understand why she wasn't. We finalized this month and the total cost is now over $30,000. We would do it for her again in a heartbeat. This was a private adoption between family and it STILL took that long. I would NEVER do a private adoption again....NOT EVER!

    $ 30,000 could have paid for two semesters at Penn State!!!

    That money would have been better served in a college fund for dd not in the pockets of lawyers and the courts for extensive filing fees.

  5. Idk I think you might just have to do it the expensive.

  6. Try your State run agencies.  They are normally free or very low cost.  Even if you found someone to do it privately the lawyers fees and social workers fees would kill you.

  7. Hi Kiera:

    Yes, adoption agencies are expensive and it's important that a person using an agency does their research to ensure that the agency is licensed, ethical and operates legally.

    That said, private adoptions are EXTREMELY RISKY!  They can be done, it leaves the adoptive parents and the first family vunerable to coersion, fraud and scams.  

    If the cost of the adoption process through an agency is prohibitive to you, I would recommend going through social services and adopting through foster care.

    Good luck.

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