
My husband and I would like to live/work overseas...?

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We are both Americans. I am currantly in accounting (AP) and my husband is in banking (Financial Sales). We are most interested in Ireland or Scotland, but honestly we are open to what ever.

Any suggestions on how we could make this happen and any places that may be a little easyer then others to do this?

Any of you do this? How did you like it? What would you do differently? same?




  1. why would you want to give up the freedoms the USA has to live there ?

  2. why would you want to live across the sea from him????

  3. I worked in Ireland for a year.  it was great.  Im an accountant.  Its easy as to get work.  Lots of jobs and the pay is good.

    If you are under 30, its easier to get a work permit.  Over 30 you need a company to sponsor you.  

    I have also worked in Australia, England, Canada, and im currently in New Zealand.  Its hard as an American to get work permits, but there are usually programs such as BUNAC that can help...   if you are under 30.  

    I just turned 30, and it is now near impossible to get foreign work permits.  Ill have to find sponsors now, which is a lot harder.  

    The weather in Ireland is c**p.  But the people are great and the Guiness is good!  Aus has a great lifestyle, but its the most racist country i have ever been to.  Its a good place to do outdoorsy stuff, but most the people are ignorant, arrogant, d**k heads.  NZ is awesome!  I would recomend working here.

  4. I have a friend who went over to France to try to work after she graduated with a degree in biochemistry. She had been promised a position there, but when she arrived there were some complications with the work visas, so ended up as a nanny (live-in babysitter) for a family for about six months while she tried to iron things out. They never did.

    She ended up in London, England working for a company that sells or leases medical photos to health journals and other publications. She has since married, had a child, and is living in Scotland.

    Overall, I think she enjoyed the whole experience, as she is a carefree spirit that loves to travel and is not afraid to be adventurous. If it were me, I would like to know that there is something stable on the other end.

    I would suggest that you speak with the local consulate or embassy about what you would like to do. They may be able to put you in touch with the right people to let you know what forms and visas you will need, and may even be able to direct you to an agency that handles foreign workers and international employment.

  5. Europe and Asia are the most favorable places to consider.

    Teaching English is the most favourite of all if youre talking about 'any job'. You get to experience the local culture, mingle with the locals, taste the local foods, have fun while earn your living.

    Asia is a better bet as it pays higher and better benefits (depends on the schools). You can try do some research on the net or inquire at your local worldwide teaching job agencies.

    With your background and your husband's, its easy to find a non-teaching job basically anywhere in the world.

    Good Luck!

  6. Hello Nikiki 13, Ireland or Scotland? Honest and Open? To Whatever? How about getting your feet wet with a 3,5,7,or 8 day trial vacation? I recently found a wonderful full service assistance web site for limitless information and complete tour packages to Ireland and Scotland!

  7. have fun, I went to work over seas for a year,, 7 years later I returned!

  8. being from ireland i have to tell you it is getting very expensive to live here,i was talking to an american lady the last night who was given out because cigarettes were equivilante to $9,i dont know much on scotland as ive never been but do the researc first

  9. What makes you think anyone overseas would want you. You dont seem to even understand that this is yahoo answer not yahoo opinions. But in MY OPINION you should  stop entertaining the idea of living abroad, the last thing we need to do as a country is to have pretensious self involved narrow minded buffoons spreading their opinion around the world as if their opinions reflected the greater good of society.

  10. Your best bet would be to get with a company that has international branches and that are open to international placement or transfer.  Or, get a job with an international bank that has branches in the US.  Unfortunately, US accounting and tax rules are very different from other countries so your background might not be any help.  Also, not sure how well financial sales would translate.

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