
My husband and i had s*x everyday for month and didn't get prego is this a sign that something could be wrong

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My husband and i had s*x everyday for month and didn't get prego is this a sign that something could be wrong




  1. I do know from a class I took when becoming a doula is that sometimes you may not ovualte that month. I never knew that............. I thought women ovualted every month. You may have not ovulated that month. I would say to be safe you both need to be checked out. I see a lot of women think that something is wrong with them, go in tons of times to docs, and find out it is the man's fault.

    Good luck!

  2. The best way to get pregnant is to have s*x every other day from days 10-20 during your cycle. Sperm is stronger and more viable if you try every other day!Lots of baby dust to all of us ttc!

  3. It may or may not be. Me and my boyfriend had s*x for about 7 months almost everyday before I finally got pregnant. I think most docs say not to worry until after a year of trying. But if you really want to make sure everything's alright, just ask your ob-gyn or physician.

  4. if you've been trying  to conceive for just a month, and you didn't make bingo...there's nothing wrong!  it takes some couples from 6 months to 1 year to get pregnant. then if nothing happens after 1 year you talk to a fertility specialist.

    also having s*x everyday will decrease you husband's sperm having it every other day is best when trying to conceive.  

    learn about your body, when you ovulate etc...there are millions of sites out there to help you, or talk to you doctor and get it explained.

  5. It usually takes most normal (that don't have fertility problems) couples a year to conceive. But it also depends if you have recently been on the pill, Depo or an IUD. How old you are, your lifestyle and your health. I wouldn't get too stressed out about it. Because stress can also prevent you from getting pregnant. My advice....stop trying so hard. It seems the more people try to get pregnant the harder it is. I tried for almost a year with my husband and then I said nevermind I don't want to get pregnant anymore and.........I was. So good luck.

  6. Try every other day instead of every day so that he has time to replenish his stock.

    Not everyone gets pregnant the first time they try, but don't tell any teenagers that... ;-).  They say (depending on the womans age) that there is only about a 20-30% chance each month, so don't expect it to happen straight away.  If in 6 months of really trying you still haven't gotten pregnant then maybe go to your doctor and see if there is anything else you can do to help.

    In the meantime, take prenatal vitamins and folate tablets, eat healthy and exercise and maybe track your fertility signs (cervical mucus, basal body temp, etc) so that you can pinpoint your ovulation.

    And try not to make it a chore - enjoy it!!

  7. His swimmers might've gotten tired out, it's better to do it every other day so they have time to replenish. But even with perfect timing and perfectly healthy people there's just a 20% chance every month.

  8. Unless you are having s*x every other day for 12 months with no luck it is hard to say if there is a problem.  It takes 24-48 hrs for sperm to build back up so the fertility specialist told me that even with great sperm he recommends s*x every other day not every day.  Also you should be tracking cycles to learn when you should be ovulating and get an idea of if you are ovulating.  The Dr's won't even test for problems for atleast a year.

  9. No, infertile couples are defined as those who, after 1 year of trying, were unable to conceive.

    Some people are less fertile than normal.  Some couples believe they are infertile after years of trying, only to be pleasantly surprised.

  10. Not necessarily. My boyfriend and I were having unprotected s*x for 2 years! No condom/birth control, no "pulling out". No nothing! We thought something was wrong...but now I'm 16 weeks pregnant!!!

    It just may not be your time. =) It wouldn't hurt to see the doc though. Good luck! <33

  11. LOL, Well, my mother was trying to get pregnant with her last born and the doctor asked her how often she was having s*x. And she replied "twice a day! So how in the world can I not be getting pregnant!?" The doctor said, "Well, are having s*x too much! Secondly, does your husband have a brother?" LOL

    Supposedly having s*x that often will lessen your chances of conceiving, so take one of those ovulating test that they sell right next to the pregnancy test kits and that should let you know when the days during the month are the best days to try to conceive. Or you can simply go to your doctor and he or she can tell you which days during the month to have s*x which will increase your chances of getting pregnant.

    Good luck!

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