
My husband and me are both AB positive...I wonder whats my baby's blood type????

by  |  earlier

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blood types




  1. Your baby can be A, B or AB. Pretty much anything but O.

    The other two answers are definitly wrong.

    Its pretty simple. Both you and your husband are AB. You each pass on either A or B to your child.

    If you pass on A allele and he passes B allele you get AB

    If you pass on B allele and he passes A allele  you get AB

    If you pass on B allele and he passes B allele you get BB (B)

    If you pass on A allele and he passes A allele you get AA (A)

    Theres a 50%chance your child will be AB and a 25% chance it will be A or B.

  2. the website i found said it can be a, b or ab

  3. Your baby will also be AB positive, 100% chance, we are learing about this in science, and I am positive!

  4. i agree with poster number 1. AB

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