
My husband and my ex.

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I don't love my exs and I don't want to have s*x with them but I still think about it.Do you think that my husband would divorce me or stop trusting me if I told him this?I'm not going to act on the thoughts,I don't even like the thoughts.I don't keep in contact with my exs for this reason.We have a very honest marriage so we don't believe in holding anything back.He asked me this.WE tell each other everything but if you were him would you divorce me or lose trust in me,what would you do,that's the main question.




  1. Do NOT tell him....

    I will repeat it... Do NOT tell him.

    You will be opening an uneccessary can of worms. If you were to tell him, you'd be hurting his feelings and making him suspicious over NOTHING. He would lose trust in you! You can be honest, but you don't need to be simbient. You are not going to act on these thoughts and you haven't acted. Just let these thoughts be your own and if he asks if you think of your exs (which would be weird and make me wonder what he was asking that for!) lie and tell him no. This is one white lie you can keep.  

  2. There are just some things that you keep to yourself even if you are honest about everything.

  3. well you're clearly keeping something from him, and maybe even yourself. If you don't like the idea of being intimate with former lovers, then there must be some other reason you're thinking about it. don't know what it is, but it sounds like you have to look deeper.

    I don't think about my ex at all, haven't since before we split up. he didn't satisfy me, and I didn't like being with him, even though I did it.

  4. listen you crazy *****, are you insane. why the **** would you do that. some things are meant to be kept to oneself. telling him will just make him feel insecure ( especially if he has a small p***s). so just don't tell him and keep having your dirty thought. by the way, don't think your the only one thinking about having s*x with your exs. maybe your just thinking about, but your he is doing it in real life. good luck :)

  5. of coarse your going to think about your exs you have history with them if you tell you hubby and he acts like you have done something wrong then hes not a strong man he is afraid of losing you ,but if he walks out then you didn't need him anyway.i my self would not leave i know my hubby's ex partners and he has to think about them i know i think about my old flames it human nature

  6. Tell him you need him to help you to stop thinking about these thoughts..

    He shouldn't get rid of you because of that!

    If you can tell each other everything then what's the harm?

    the best he'll do is help you , right?

    Good luck!

  7. If you dont plan on acting on these thought you shouldnt say anything to your husband. I know its ideal to tell eachother everything but why plant a thought in his head when you dont have to. It will hurt him to hear that you think about your ex and its just not worth it to do that. We cant control our thoughts therefore nobody should be hurt by them.
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