
My husband bought me a hd dvd 1080 should I take it back for a blue ray?

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My husband bought me a hd dvd 1080 should I take it back for a blue ray?




  1. I think Sony finally got something right this time(or lucked out)  they are most likely going to win the war. I think they are both great, just like VHS or beta. I went with blu ray but each to their own. I cant see both sticking around and by the looks of things Blu Ray's gonna be the winner in this war.

  2. Nope!

    They're both great, and since neither format has been declared "the winner", it's likely that we'll continue to see about equal #'s of DVD's on both systems for quite a while, and your format could still win out.

    Don't fall for the media coverage right now, it's not a good predictor of what's going to happen in the long run.

    If the companies making the machines, and the film studios don't know which one will be king yet, then you can bet these idiot journalists don't know either!

  3. the Blu-Ray cost more $$$

    but Blu-Ray is going to win the format war... change it if you can.

    Last week I was looking for a good normal DVD player, and I found and bought a HD-DVD player, at very low cost (refurbished $49 dlls) then I been reading forums and all related.

    HD-DVD is better, Blu-Ray is the future.

  4. Hi rachco13 ,

    HD DVD (Toshiba) vs Blu Ray (Sony).

    The battle rages and it looks like consumers will have to face a dual format much like the dash R and plus R DVDs.

    Samsung & LG already offer dual format machines and others will follow. This probably means both formats will survive. If you do make an exchange I would recommend a dual format machine.

    Both use interactive menus but differences are - Blu-Ray capacity is 50Gb and HD-DVD is 30Gb. HD-DVD is region free while Blu-Ray is divided into three regions. (Figures Sony will try to stick it to the consumer) A disadvantage to HD-DVD is they are not all hard coated as are the Blu-Ray. HD-DVDs scratch as easily as regular DVDs while the Blu-Ray are more scratch resistant.


  5. Depends on which format has the movies you want to watch.

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