
My husband doesn't heal can someone help?

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If my husband gets a scratch or something it just doesn't heal. a month ago he hit his head and got a little scratch (just enough where it bled a little bit) it doesn't scab and it still hurts. it looks like he just got it when its been a month. A year or so ago we were tearing aluminum siding off his grandpas house and he got a cut on his finger..its still there. his legs always have scabs on them from little knicks and cuts. has anyone heard of someone who just doesn't heal? in fact, the cut from a year ago was bleeding not too long ago. sometimes he'll scab but sometimes he won't. bruises go away just fine but any cuts don't seem to. can someone help or give me some insight on why this happens?




  1. That's interesting. Call a Doctor.

  2. You need to get your husband to a doctor immediately, he may have a very serious problem.  There are some forms of cancer that can cause this as well as diabetes.  You have to have him get checked by a doctor.

  3. well platelets are what/help ur body to form scabs and stuff so he may not have enough or something go to a doctor

  4. Blood clotting problem or diabetes.

    Anyways take him to a doctor!

  5. sometimes diabetics have trouble healing. maybe he should be checked for that.

  6. Your Avatar says Nick.

    Your husband needs to see a doctor for tests.  It could be a blood disorder of some kind.  Your husband may also need to see a wound care specialist.

    Best wishes to your husband.

  7. Ohhhh,,,, NOT good. Is he a diabetic? Diabetes is a cause for the body's decreased ability to heal. He should have his blood sugar checked. If he is a diabetic he will need to get medication or change his diet or it will effect other organs. If it's not a diabetic he STILL needs to find out WHY his body isn't responding as it should. It is important that he sees a doctor.

  8. Two Strong possibilities come to mind.   1. Diabetic  he needs to be checked by D.R.    2. Anemia (thin blood) can prohibit clotting and scabbing. Either one can cause what you have described. there are other possible causes but anyway you slice it  Insurance or no insurance a trip to the doc and some tests are needed...  sorry no easy answer. the tests can usually be done at the county health dept. in most states.    Please get him tested you need to know  to keep him living a long healthy life   gl.

  9. it seems that your husband need more calcium and minerals, i reccomned him eating healthier

    read this

  10. umm you should go see a doctor.

    you can also look on google and see what it is.

  11. He could have diabetes. Or just a blood clotting problem. Whatever it is u NEED TO SEE THE DOC

  12. Has your husband ever been tested for Diabetes? Wounds that don't heal are due to improper care of diabetes. The feet and legs can have circulatory problems and nerve damage and this is usually due to diabetes which is not treated properly. Your husband needs to go see his doctor immediately diabetes that is untreated can be deadly. This is IMPORTANT go to the doctor ASAP.  

  13. is he diabetic ??? you might wanna consult a DR..

  14. Diabetes maybe.

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